Friday, April 27, 2007

The Hinson case in a nutshell:

If he's lying, God needs to smite his trailer.

If he's telling the truth, God needs to smite his trailer and the whole rest of the park.

Either way, his trailer's smote.


  1. The trailer is just a tool. Neither good nor evil. Next you'll be calling for trailer control. Then the only people who'll have trailers will be the bg's. Remember trailer control isn't about the trailers it's about the control. Wait, sorry, I lost it for a second. What were we talking about?

  2. Nope. Never mind the trailer. It's the sooper-secret dope cave which is in need of smotification.

  3. From looking at the guy, I have great difficulty with the idea that he ever had consensual sex with any woman. Sheep and goats maybe, but women?


  4. Hay now, them sheep 'n goats has gots standards too.

  5. Let's not be hasty. Has anyone seen a picture of either of the girls?


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