Friday, April 13, 2007

Word of the Day: How to speak Tamarese.

Jesus handle: (jē'-zŭs hăn'-dəl) n.

1. The grab bar or handle in a vehicle that you instinctively lunge for as the driver causes it to pull G's around a corner. So named for the involuntary exclamation of "Jesus!" as you do so. "I hate riding in the mountains in your car; it doesn't have a Jesus handle on the passenger's side."

See also: "Oh F__k bar".


  1. I use to get that reaction all the time in my old Montero, since it had a prominent Jesus bar on the dash in front of the passenger seat.

    I'd get the question, I'd give them your definition, then proceed immediately with a demonstration of its absolute necessity while getting my ride on two wheels.

    I still laugh at the reactions I got from doing that.

  2. There's one in my truck, but I recommend not using it.

    1. My truck can't actually handle well enough to throw you against anything inside (well, it might, but it'd be on it's way to flippin'). "Feels" like about .60g is about it, but you've got my G-force meter, so....

    2. It's right above the passenger airbag. I have a feeling that if you grab for that bar in anticipation of a frontal accident there'll be two fist-sized dents in the roof afterwards.

  3. ""Feels" like about .60g is about it, but you've got my G-force meter, so...."

    A hit; a very palpable hit! :o

  4. Us Texicans call it the "Oh SH*%! Bar." For some odd reason, I have one on the driver side of my 4Runner. Honestly now, is my driving that bad?

  5. Standard equipment on my Jeeps.

  6. Standard equipment on my S-10 w/ZQ8 package, too - right there on the dash in front of the passenger. Testing of said ZQ8 package (supposedly rated to .85G or better) at high rate of speed on the I-90/94 on-ramp results in spouse uttering His Name and executing a death grip on aforementioned JC Bar.

  7. As B&n said, "Jesus bar." Fewer syllables.

    My 1973 Jeep CJ-5 has the classic type: an unadorned steel tube attached with obvious bolts.

    On my newer Jeeps, it's covered with some kind of plastic, and who knows what is underneath, really, or how strong it is.

  8. Funny--having grown up Catholic (I attend a Lutheran church now; does that mean I'm in recovery?), I've always referred to them as "Hail Mary Handles."

  9. In Maine its the "Oh Sh!+ Bar", like in Texas.


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