Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blog Stuff: You might be are a redneck if...

Words fail me.


  1. I'm sure it all relates to that bayou wedding (where EVERYONE) was wearing camo that was winging around the interweb lately.

    Probably be all the rage ... in certain parts of the country anyway.

  2. What does that say about us if we know exactly what pictures he was looking for?

    Can't remember where I saw them off hand, but I've seen 'em.

  3. Deb,

    A Mossy Oak wedding for real?

    Next time anybody gives you any "sanctity of marriage" guff, just give 'em the link; that'll shut 'em up.

  4. [Larry the Cable Guy]That's funny right thar, I don't care who you are![/Larry the Cable Guy]

  5. Don't laugh

    Cabela's has a Mossy Oak Negligee


  6. That's absolutely ridiculous.

    Everybody knows that ACU is the wedding camo pattern this year! Duh!!!

  7. Oooh, a Mossy Oak negligee!

    As I set here on my Mossy Oak Shadowgrass futon, in my Mossy Oak Breakup pajama pajama bottoms (put on after I crawled out from between my Mossy Oak Breakup sheets and comforter this morning), I find this not funny. Not funny at all.

    And I'll have you know that my wedding tux was BLACK...

    ...with a Mossy Oak Breakup cummerbund and tie.

    I was quite stylish. pnzcv

  8. The possibility exists that the searcher was in fact not one of us, but an appalled urban sophisticate seeking a worst case with which to appall his urban sophisticate friends.

  9. Stuff like that's for mostly poseur suburban white trash. The ones that like to pretend they're country by faking being hunters (when in actuality they've spend five grand on the gear, but then just ride around town all day during hunting season, eating store-bought beef jerky in their Chevy 4x4 that've never even glimpsed a dirt road), watching CMT, and putting a NASCAR sticker on their lawnmowers even though they damn sure can't tell you who Junior Johnson is. They're the ones that are first to get insulted about their "country" heritage and last to fight. They lie about having got drunk on moonshine, wouldn't know what country ham tastes like if it bit them on the ass and would cry if you dropped them in the woods for a weekend with just a knife and a pocket fishing kit. They also own every Tim McGraw cd known to man and think "that boy's country" even when the douche bag is wearing a sweater vest.

  10. Horrifying -- I can't believe someone is still using Internet Explorer! :)

  11. Anonymous 7:05, you've obviously got issues here. I've got the same issues. Plus some more. Good on ya, bubba.

  12. The part I don't understand is the connection between Her Tammyness and "mossy oak wedding stuff".

  13. my boys are wearing mossy oak vests & ties, my flower girl's carrying a mossy oak basket & my girls bouquets will be tied off with mossy oak ribbon. is there a problem with that? we're having a country & hunting themed wedding at the biltmore as my fiance's a hunter and just about as southern as they come.


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