Monday, May 21, 2007

Boomsticks: Bias? What bias?

Last week a legally armed and alert citizen prevented a multiple murderer from fleeing the scene of his armed robbery, pinning him until police could arrive. Note how the USA Today story makes Mr. Chappell sound more like a bystander than one of the heroes of the piece.

If he hadn't been on the scene, do you reckon the manhunt for an escaped Merriweather would still be underway?


  1. The difference in reporting there is un-bloody-beleivable.

    No wonder I've come to see blogs as more reliable than journalists - at least the people whose blogs I read are honest about their biases.

  2. "No wonder I've come to see blogs as more reliable than journalists - at least the people whose blogs I read are honest about their biases."

    And many of the bloggers are better educated; either formally or self-taught.

  3. Did you read the comments below the article? Including the one about if guns had been banned long ago, nobody would have died?

    Lathes, milling machines, mumble, mumble...I bet tons of guns would be easier to smuggle than tons of dope, mumble, mumble...

    I've gotten where I hate reading any news about anything. We're on the downside of Peak Common Sense, not just Peak Oil...



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