Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Listen to him now and believe him later, little hyphenated man.

Marko on MultiCulti:
We don't need that kind of petty shit in America. It's divisive and destructive, and it does nothing but perpetuate neolithic tribal warfare. Here in the United States, most good and decent folks don't give a hoot whether their neighbor is black, white, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or Great Pumpkin worshiper, as long as he minds his own business and keeps his hands to himself. America is not a funny outfit, or a chant, or a collective of ancestors. America isn't a religion, or a skin color, or a language, or a way of cooking, and anyone who claims such a thing deserves a swift kick in the ass and a ticket to whatever homogeneous country best suits their personal desires for uniformity of pigmentation or religion or diet or what-the-fuck-ever.
But damn that boy can write...


  1. Dammnnng, this bloke is scary with a keyboard.
    Love Frank in NZ

  2. Whats truly scary is that he drives KoS, one of the largest collections of raving moonbats this side of the event horizon.
    That he could write a missive like that, which I happen to agree with, is shocking. Who would have thought he was capable of reasoned and intelligent thought.

    /color me shocked

  3. "Whats truly scary is that he drives KoS"

    Uh, Marko Kloos and Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga are not the same person.

  4. They're NOT? Oh jeez now I've really got to re-think a bunch of stuff...



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