Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My reaction to the Frog reaction to the Sarkozy win...

First, anything that gets the noses of lefty college students so far out of joint that they go rioting and get pepper gassed and billyclubbed is automatically going to warm the cockles of my heart. I know, I know: Non Aggression Principle, civil rights, et cetera... But if watching a live action Punch & Judy show featuring some stringy-haired 23-year old Che tee-shirt-wearing college student getting a hickory shampoo vigorous enough to dislodge his iPod ear buttons doesn't bring a smile to your face, I don't know what will. Call it a guilty pleasure of mine, like sitting up late and eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's Vermonty Python while watching the volleyball scene from Top Gun in the dark.

Second, the guy's as popular in France's Muslim ghettos as a bag of pork rinds, which rates another thumbs up in my book. If non-assimilating misogynist welfare leeches hate him, he can't be all bad.

He wants to tighten up France's immigration laws, isn't the biggest fan of the EU, and wants economic reforms for the country, which all seem good. But mostly he makes socialists riot, which is reason enough alone to make me like the guy.


  1. "if watching a live action Punch & Judy show featuring some stringy-haired 23-year old Che tee-shirt-wearing college student getting a hickory shampoo vigorous enough to dislodge his iPod ear buttons doesn't bring a smile to your face, I don't know what will. Call it a guilty pleasure of mine, like sitting up late and eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's Vermonty Python while watching the volleyball scene from Top Gun in the dark."

    Man Tam, its been a rough morning for me, and this laugh was WELL-NEEDED.

    I can't thank you enugh!


  2. Could Europe's decades-long love affair with socialism finally be on the wane, or am I being too optimistic?

  3. Hickory shampoo?

    That's just too damn funny!

    You 'n Lawdog ought'a get together & write a book.


  4. What weer'd beard said...

    It gave me a java nasal douche when I read that. Completely worth it too.

    Good therapy indeed.

  5. He's sorta giving me hope that there is an upside to someone being irretrievably French.

  6. But, on the firing line, I read that he's an Anti at heart.

    Can't have everything, I guess...

    I wonder what Charles Martel thinks of all this?

  7. Watching this one closely-- we're not so far from such social class struggles, here.

    You know, though-- we could have suffered such a crisis in 2000, but our society held together. Oh, sure, there are idjits driving around with "Al Gore is my President" bumper stickers, and we'll all roll our eyes whenever we hear the word "chad" for the rest of our lives, but the system ground on. I never doubted that we would survive without a Constitutional crisis. I never worried about walking the streets at night, for fear of rioters and burning cars.

    It would seem that our young, knuckle-dragging, gun-toting, Southern-drawling, Bronx-cheering, MidWestern-blandness, NorthWestern granola-crunching-cappucino-sipping, LA low-rider-driving selves are a little more refined than the French, in this area of social response.

    Ah, ho-ho-ho-ho! [/stereotypical snooty French laugh]

  8. Remember Boy and Gurls:

    To be "Right Wingish" in France has nothing , or little, to do with freedom and laissez faire, but everything to do "law and Order".

    That it _may_ in this case coincide with some laissez faire economics is strictly a historical accident. He doesn't plan to liberalize so much as reduce the stupider regulations a wee bit.

    Oh, and boys, Sarkozy's wife is pretty cute.

    And is it me, or does Sarkozy bear a passing resemblence ot the 1960-70's "bad-boy" french actor Jean Paul Belmondo?

  9. Good luck to the gendarmes and their hickory shampoo. As our cartoon compadre Black Jack Shellac would say "Eet is time to teach ze 'youths' in France that 'Payback ees a moothairfookair, eh?? Yes no maybe??"

  10. BEN AND JERRY'S ?!?!

    "10% of our profits go to communism" Ben & Jerry's?

    "Wooden shampoo" is a standard French police phrase.

    Joe Noory has a good French events blog-

  11. "BEN AND JERRY'S ?!?!

    "10% of our profits go to communism" Ben & Jerry's?

    I know, I know... And Tom Cruise is a placenta-munching Hubbardite.

    I said it was a guilty pleasure.

  12. Talking with the French military folks out here in Afghanistan, they were all rooting for Sarkozy, and they had a seriously extravagent (sp?) (as in Foie Gras and Caviar) late "Birthday Party" the day after the election.

    Talking to them after the election they are all very happy about the Sarkozy win, but they are uncertain about how much progress he will be able to actually make. The real kicker is the parlimentary elections next month.

    I'll admit to not originally having much respect for the French in general, but the more I hang out with the French Military, the more respect I have for them.

    People can leave their "dropped twice" jokes at the door, please.

  13. Thank you Chris. The ghosts of millions of dead French soldiers thank you too.

  14. Hey, when folks get too funny with the Frog milit'ree jokes I remind them of:

    1) 11 Para

    2) CamarĂ³n Day

    3) We whine about Greenpeace vessels interfering with our navy. The Frogs sink 'em.


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