Monday, May 21, 2007

News: Well, okay then.

The Editor of the Knoxville News Sentinel would like me to know that the aforementioned drunken teen prom party was so news, and that Mr. Butturini did not, in fact, beat him up in the third grade.


  1. "Me thinks he doth protest too much"
    But congratulations are in order, you are being listened to...and that's great!

  2. I wonder if he considered that it was most read because of the click throughs from "the Porch"?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I had to snark. I hate "journalists" like that.

  5. Okay, that's funny.

    The editor's defense was kind of frightening. He actually and blatantly defined news as, "Whatever gets us ratings."

    Shudder ...

  6. Pax-

    I find that sort of honesty refreshing.

    The sooner everyone realizes that nooze is neither unbiased nor unfiltered, the better off we'll all be.

  7. Wow, Tam! I get giddy when a Blogmaster posts a comment on one of my posts. You got yours in the paper!!

    Judging from this moron's idea of news, probably on the front page:)


  8. I was a 'high school journalist.' Had a moment of revelation when I arrived at a state university in 1970 and found the department re-named "Journalism and Public Relations." Perhaps unfairly to PR men, I have been unsurprised at anything journalists have done since.

    A modestly-proposed VFTP definition of "highbrow": any brow that doesn't leave blood on the Warner Swasey eyepiece of an '03 Springfield.


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