Monday, May 21, 2007

Politics: Pot, meet kettle.

As Carter's denunciation of the Shrub draws return fire from presidential spokesman Tony Fratto, I'd like to interrupt this hair-pulling catfight to note that it is the height of irony for the man whose supine, toothless foreign policy in the Middle East that is partly responsible for our current predicament to be criticizing anyone's handling of it. For shame, Jimmy. Don't you have a canal you could be off giving away someplace?


  1. The irony cuts both ways in this little spat, re: irrelevancy.

  2. Yeah, neither one's likely to find his face on Rushmore.

    Then again, Lincoln did, so who knows...

  3. As I said in my entry on the matter, you have to remember that this is a man who was attacked by a giant swimming bunny.

  4. You're welcome.


  5. I quit listenning to Carter years ago. Anyone who lies about being in the nuclear navy, understanding the problems with nuclear fuel, and can't keep his mouth shut; loses my respect. If he hadn't cut funding for new power research, and made those insane statements about reprocessing then we might have a domestic power source for electricity. And yes, I can't believe that he got a noble peace prize, that just tarnishes the award. (sorry he is just a sore spot for me.)

  6. Doesn't he know that somewhere there is an arab(or a US enemy's) backside that he could be kissing? Oops, my bad, that's what he's doing.

  7. When I heard the comment, the first thing that came to mind was that, except for the "Camp David Accords", his Presidency was an unmitigated DISASTER.

    Thank GOD that Egypt made nice with Israel & vice versa.

    Does anyone want a return to 26% inflation powered interest rates?! Don't get me started....


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