Saturday, July 07, 2007

Boomsticks: If you are not aware...

...of the monumentally stupid new proposal from OSHA regarding ammunition and reloading components, War and Peace has the situation summed up in a nutshell.


  1. I suggest that anyone who writes to OSHA about this CC their elected officials. If anyone wanted a clear example of "backdoor gun contrrol", this is it--and since this will be shutting down hunting and trap and skeet shooting and target shooting, and at th ekleast requireing law enforcement agencies to jump through hoops to get their certifications or exemptions, even Schumer and Feinstein should be able to see how screwed up this is...

  2. I sent a comment about this "proposed rule", indicating that they will also have to regulate the caps used in cap guns. Also asked where the evidence was that we need this regulation, as I have never heard of a gun store, retail store, manufacturing facility or home "blowing up" due to small arms ammunition storage.

  3. Neither have I, and I have been a firefighter since 1989. In fact, when I was in the Navy, I saw numerous aircraft crashes involving ordnance, including a helicopter that crashed onto a pallet of 2000 pound bombs. They didn't explode.


  4. I'm just waiting for the conspiracy theorists to link this with the coming invasion by UN forces.

  5. Just how much will this impede the flow of .223 and 7.62 NATO to Iraq?

  6. A solution in search of a problem; typical gun-grabber bullshit. Anything to nibble away, no matter how ridiculous.


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