Saturday, July 07, 2007


Wind-powered giant insectoid engineering sculpture thingies!

(H/T to Victory Soap.)


  1. Ohmigawd, that is utterly orgasmic for anyone who is part artist, part gearhead. Pass me a ciggie, was it good for you? Thank you!
    The best I ever hope to accomplish in this life is whirligig talking dead cow heads. Achhhh!

  2. That was really damned cool. I need to see what's needed to get that in the hands of whoever's responsible for the "art" installations at my alma mater. (It's an engineering college. It'll be right up their alley, provided this guy can make something that's impervious to drunken engineering students.)

    I don't think it can look any worse than anything they've already put up. There was a piece of 'kinetic sculpture' up when I was a student--it was fricking mobile nearly the size of the containing building's atrium, made of abstract shapes.

  3. Absolutly amazing!You have to love the creative human imagination.

  4. I'd like to turn one of those loose in Wyoming; the way the wind constantly blows there the thing could cross the state in a couple of days.

  5. Its.... The Luggage!


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