Thursday, July 05, 2007

End of West coming "Real Soon Now" says Al-Zawahiri.

Unfortunately, this guy's every bit as vague as every other prophet. Can I get a timeline here, please? I'm going to need a more specific date than "on the horizon, with Allah's permission and will" if I'm going to know exactly when to sell my Raytheon and Boeing stock and buy into the soon-to-be-booming prayer rug and burkha industries. Help me out here, Al; I'm not asking for classified data, but a cryptic little tip like "dump your General Dynamics and get into Ali's Koran Publishers before third quarter of '09" would be sweet.


  1. We'll know the end of the West is coming when he trades in his traditional garb for some Jihad jeans and a "What Would Allah Do?" T shirt.

  2. I think this clown's turban is wound too tight !! He probably should climb out from whatever rock he's hiding under a little more often !!

  3. Crap. I knew I shouldn't have invested in that 10 year CD.

    Not to pick nits with our enlightened shaman, but haven't been predicting the downfall of America since...1776?

  4. They'd better hurry. The whole world is coming to an end in 2012 anyway, right?

  5. Look at the bright side, "concealed carry" can cover just about anything under a Burkha.

    I guess the bad side of things is that you'll be stuck hauling the Carl Gustav.


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