Thursday, July 05, 2007

Politics: Helpin' a brother out...

The story of concealed carry efforts in Wisconsin is a long and sad one. Twice now, the people have had their legislators draw up and pass bills that would allow them to apply for and receive CCW permits, just like the rest of America (less Daleyville). Twice now, amid shrieking newspaper editorials warning of shootouts over parking spots at the mall, the state's governor has vetoed the bills.

One guy has had enough. He has noted that there is a provision in WI state law for a referendum, and decided the best way he could help was to provide a place on the web to organize. He needs exposure. He needs folks on the ground in his home state to help. I can help with the former; maybe some of y'all can help with the latter.


  1. teh awesome.

    I'm perpetually wondering why those large L Libertarians can't call a time-out to the mental masturbation, quit trying to get people elected in elections that they know they will not win and instead push for voter referendums on libertarian-leaning issues that they know they can win with, like eminent domain and sunshine firearms laws.

    A few decades of that, and a few decades of not-wacknuttery, and perhaps people will take them seriously as a real party.

  2. I hate putting civil rights up for referendum votes, but maybe it will work out for them.

    The referendum approach set Missouri back when they tried it.

  3. We've already been set back; otherwise I wouldn't have proposed it.

  4. I've already posted about it.

    I think it's a great idea.

    Now we just need someone handsome and charismatic to run the campaign.

  5. It has been brought to my attention by two people with the political savvy I said was needed that the statewide referendum in Wisconsin is far mor limited than I understood it to be. I'm open to suggertions as to what can be done with the blogspace and the support it has engendered.

    BTW, Sitemeter says most of that attention came from here. Thank ye, thank ye kindly.

  6. triticale, I'm not sure who you talked to. And honestly, I'm not as "up" on our referendum policies and procedures as I'd like to be. But I'll be posting about this, and m willing to do whatever I can...


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