Friday, July 20, 2007

Jesus does not want me for a sunbeam...

...because in the mood I'm in right now, if I were a sunbeam the first thing I'd go do is fry somebody to a thermonuclear crisp.

So, Wednesday's posts were a colossal pain in the buttocks to type. Apparently all the connectivity I've had of late has been poached off a neighbor's WiFi. And spotty connectivity it's been, too. To get those posts onto the intarw3bz Wednesday required using the "repair connection" wizard every thirty seconds and rebooting the wireless LAN card twice. Then the network just gave me the finger and went away for good. Festive.

So the next morning I sucked it up and drove to the local Charter office, exchanging money I don't have for a modem of my very own. ("No thank you, I don't want premium digital cable. No basic cable either. No cable TeeVee at all, as a matter of fact. I don't care how much money I'll be saving on the package, since I don't have a, you know, actual television on which to watch the crap.") I got home and called the techies to let them know that I had hooked up the modem, and would they please provision my account?

Guess what? Problem with the wiring, and their service guys are pretty busy. Would Tuesday be okay with me?

"Would threatening to come down there and shoot people in the kneecaps until my intarw3bz are up and running speed things up? No? I guess Tuesday will be fine then..."


*Ring, Ring*

"Hello?" (Said with slight Russian accent.)

"Hey, Oleg! Mind if I come borrow your couch and your WiFi for a day or so? Yes, again."

Ever feel like the fates are really pissed at you for something? Le Sigh.


  1. And here I thought I was just getting a model who comes with her own props...

  2. You know how people say things like "You know, one day you'll look back on all this and laugh", and you want to shove a shopping cart up their ........

    Well, I'd never say. One day you'll look back on all this and say "That sucked!".

    Losing your internet is about like losing your wheels. Bites.

  3. Can't imagine what you've done to deserve this.

    I can understand your jonesin' for your EntireNet connection, tho'.

  4. You know, if I was a real sadistic bastard, I might point out that some 75 year old woman in Sweden just got a 40Gigabit Internet connection..

    But I wouldn't do that. Nope, nope, nope.

    And Tam, I share your pain - every block in the neighborhood now has FiOS available... EXCEPT MINE. I lust after that fast Fiber connection so bad I can taste it, yet Verizon mocks me with availability just out of reach. It's enough to make on start scouting bell towers.

  5. You can always go for an independent sat connection.

    The Hughes Bgan 2210 (if I remember the number right) will do 512kbs up/down for a couple of bucks a meg and it works pretty much anywhere in the world.

    I have used it all over the globe with little problems. Battery powered so you can work off a laptop in the jungle to the desert. In the arctic (and presumably the antarctic but I have not been there with it) the battery life is short, maybe an hour, but frankly at -40 I don't like to type with mittens on.

    They run about $2000 to buy and then no monthly rental.

    Not as bad ($) as a true inmarsat connection but reasonable.

  6. I've only had broadband for about three weeks. I know your pain.

    But no TV? What do you watch [i]Firefly[/i] on . . . . oh, wait. Some kind of Mac, no doubt.

  7. Nah, I watch DVDs on my Wintel desktop.

  8. The best thing about you going to Oleg's, is that we get more images of you, by Oleg.


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