Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What's your PowerBook on?

Behold: The Mac rack. I feel so organized.


  1. Shouldn't that be the "iRack"?

    Sorry, it was too easy...

  2. That iBook just looks so pretty sitting there. I wish I had one...

  3. Back on the topic of Mac shelving, I do have my two Performas (640CD and 6230CD) sitting on the bottom and middle levels of the car that came with my computer desk, plus two printers, two keyboards, and a mouse on top.

  4. You've got me utterly beat on laptops (mine's a 2001 iBook 600mhz, and no others), but I have a stack of 68k desktops to dazzle you with.

    Pity even the Quadras are useless anymore.

  5. I just want that poster of wheelguns behind it.

    I can't tell (res. at work computer sux), but I'd guess it's a Smith poster.


  6. What? No DuoDock?

    (No, not the little one that clamps onto the back - the big one that sucks the Duo in, then spits it out at the touch of a button. Extra bonus geek points if it actually still works...)

    -=[ Grant ]=-

  7. "What? No DuoDock?"

    I'd be tickled to death just to score fresh batteries for the Duo 270c.

    "Pity even the Quadras are useless anymore."

    Depends on what you want to use it for. Word Processing? Vintage games? They've got plenty of Wheaties for that.

  8. So, that's what?...a bushel of Apples?

  9. Wow, even the CMOS batter for that is over $30.00 !

    The batteries are out there, but they are wildly expensive.

    You can get a 12V car battery cheaper than them.


  10. Can I just say that this is a great title?

    (Or does this reveal that I'm old enough to remember "What's on your PowerBook"?)

  11. It wasn't until after posting that I wondered "How many of my daily readers will even remember that ad campaign?"


  12. If you have an original battery, you may be able to pull a Lazarus. Figure out how the plastic case comes apart. Inside, you will probably find a gaggle of ni-cad cells. A solder gun will be required for disassembly. Now you need to find some cheap new cells. Possibly at a R/C hobby shop. Best bet is Horror Freight. Buy a spare battery for a drill, that looks to be the same volume and voltage. Remove guts and wire up like original, then assemble batt case. NOTE: Limit amount/time of heat on cells when soldering. Using some form of heat block would be good.
    Also, check the solder joints before assembling the case.
    Now charge it. (The cells should look like anorexic size C batts)

  13. I didn't notice a Duo 2300c on the MacRack... great collection! I'll try to dig up pics of my clear ibook.

  14. Yeah, you've got me beat by miles. But I've seen Dr. Strangegun's storage shed and he beats us both.

  15. I've got a Powerbook 1400C, with both the floppy and the CD-ROM drive, MacMike, and adapter in the closet at home...

    Anyone interested?

  16. Will, for a tremendous selection of oddball sized battery cells, try Batteries America.

  17. Well, true - you can write on one, I suppose.

    And vintage games, if you have any on usable media - most from that era were of course on floppy, and will have suffered media failure; I'm pretty sure all of mine have.

    (I was mostly speaking of the power bill vs. utility issue. I think a Mini uses less electricity and can probably run a 68040 emulator faster than a real Quadra, for anything that won't run in Classic...)

    (What I really want is a modern computer and LCD screen in an SE-sized case... or maybe someday I'll put an old Mini in a Sun IPC/IPX body.

    I loves me the lunchbox cases.)

  18. The Mac Rack sounds like a cut rate tactical shop from the 80s specializing in crappy semi-auto machine pistols and lots of tiger stripe.

    Not to detract from the excellent organization of your electronics, I just like the whole Mac Rack thing.

  19. I've never been able to type or do anything on one of those little folding machines. The keys's are too small, my arms too long with hands and fingers too big, and the screen is small and at a weird angle too close with glasses the wrong prescription. Just never could deal with the ergonomics.
    It's like an Enduro rider getting on a little weenie Japanese dirtbike built for a 5-8" 160lb dude who jumps in the egg-crate of MX. You have to replace the triple-clamps for offset, and get taller bars and taller seat-foam so you can ride standing up instead of all hunched over with your hands next to your knees - that's no way to ride. You gotta, alter the gearing/sprockets to deal with a 220-lb rider - one wearing trail-gear and not just air-flex spandex-pants and a t-shirt. The suspension has to be revalved for the speed and conditions - and beefed-up to handle the punishment, with different tires and everything.
    Gad, even the new KTM's are shrunken like the weenie-bikes, whored-out to gain market share. /rant (sorry)

  20. You should do a commercial where you talk about how you switched from metal shelving to plastic shelving.</another Apple commercial reference>

  21. Mine is on a truck...

    To someone else...

    Things that make you go "hmmmm..."


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