Thursday, July 05, 2007

See what you miss...

...when the clumsy oaf with the backhoe severs your connection with the Hive Mind?

Here is why I loves me some pdb:

"Know that government interference always results in higher prices and shortages. It is not a matter of opinion, it is as much a physical reality as gravity or evolution. If your proposed solution involves government interference and promises lower prices or greater availability, you have just proven yourself to be an idiot who has no understanding of how the world works."


  1. Can't wait for my government supplied "universal healthcare" insurance card to show up in the mail. (snark)

  2. Tam's from Tennessee--she might not find that funny. :)

  3. I laughed and laughed watching TennCare crash and burn. Stevie Wonder could have seen that one coming from miles away.

    (...and while I reside in TN and was born in IL, I'm still a Georgia Peach at heart. I did spend better than half my life there, after all.)

  4. That was a fine quality rant, all right. I had occasion to read Economics in One Lesson a couple of years ago--pdb did right to link to the Wikipedia entry.

  5. "One of the few economists in history who could really write."

    (H.L. Mencken on Hazlitt)

    "Economics In One Lesson" is absolutely essential. If I had money to burn, I'd go about the country with truckloads of that thing like a regular Johnny Appleseed.

  6. And these mental midgits wonder why we're having a "water shortage" around here. Duh, the water is supplied by gov't!

  7. Actually, it takes specially inspired government regulation to simultaneously cause higher prices and shortages. Ordinary price regulation can lower the price - except most of the time you can't buy it... Or the government can mandate certain things be included whether you need them or not, that the suppliers have special government-supplied licenses that are in short supply or hard to come by, and watch prices soar. Come to think of it, there's a lot of that kind of government interference in health care already. Aside from doctor's licenses, nurse's certificates, etc., by federal law under our insurance my wife's covered for pregnancy even though her tubes were tied after our second child was born - and I guess I'm also covered if I ever get pregnant...


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