Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Books: That went entirely too fast.

On the evening of Friday the 17th, I started reading Threshold. I polished off Low Red Moon last Saturday evening around sunset. This morning, about 0045, I finished Daughter Of Hounds.

Dammit, that was over too soon.

To me, that's when you know you're reading a great read; when you notice the part of the book in your right hand is noticeably slimmer than that in your left, and you slow down as much as you can to stretch out the magic of the story.

As the ever-wise PhlegmFatale once pointed out, that's a wonderful metaphor for life when you think about it. :)

I'll get around to an actual review-type post here before too long...


  1. I am extremely jealous of your free time that you are obviously using to read, almost exclusively, it seems..

    I have had way too many project related things to do around the house and at work to even lift a book for any serious length of time for the last three months. I'm having withdrawal.

    Many books, so little time.

  2. I'm not sure if you've read any of them, Tam, but if you haven't read the Dirk Pitt novels by Clive Cussler, you're seriously missing out. Go nab yourself the first book, Sahara, if you're interested. (Yes, they made a movie out of it. Yes, the movie wasn't that great. Yes, the book is WAY better than the movie. If your authors need some "geek cred", then Cussler passes with flying colors.

  3. I'm pretty sure you never saw the semi-craptastic TV show, but based on other books we have in common I will highly recommend Jim Butcher's "Dresden Files" books. Nobody I've convinced to read the first one has escaped buying or borrowing the rest of them.

    The first one is Storm Front

  4. pokerwolf,

    Cussler's Dirk Pitt book are something I'll read if they're lying about, but they've never really "hooked" me.

    I guess Dirk just grins wolfishly entirely too often... ;)

  5. I just finished Farnham's Freehold by Robert A. Heinlein and Alas Babylon by Pat Frank (Highly recommend). I'm Currently reading The Rift by Walter J. Williams. I have Footfall, Lucifer's Hammer, Eternity Road, Last Ship and On the Beach to choose from when I finish it. As you can tell, I'm on a disaster novel kick right now.

  6. Damn, same thing happened to me reading that post.

  7. I try never to see movies made from books, especially if it was a book I enjoyed. Hollyweird started down the path of sin and degradation with the 'revised' ending for _Destination Moon_, and it only got worse. _Starship Troopers_ was the last straw. As pure s-f, it didn't hold my interest, and as a movie made from a Heinlein novel, it was blasphemy.
    The only exception was _Murder on the Orient Express_, and I saw the movie before I read the book.

  8. Try "Variable Star" by Spider Robinson and Heinlin,.....


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