Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Okay, Marko, but what does it mean...

...if the first thing I did was check to make sure the guy had his optic mounted right way 'round?


  1. It means you're a really snarky gun nut always on the prowl for good material. ;)

  2. It means you dont trust the government cause youve seen them screw up the simplest of things again and again and again...

    Basically it makes you a realist.

  3. "Internet-meme-savvy Gun Geek", I suggest.

  4. What pop'd into my head for some reason was...

    I am the very model of a modern Major-General.

    In fact, when I know what is meant by "mamelon" and "ravelin",

    When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin...

    Mark me down on the 'this guy is a Poser' side. Not impressed.

  5. Maybe it means you've seen the pic of the (was it)NYPD weightlifter type with all the tac gear and the sight mounted backwards.


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