Sunday, August 26, 2007

A caption contest I couldn't resist...

Seen at Cowboy Blob's:

"NBA scout George Jablonski thanked his lucky stars for the day he joined the National Guard on a dare."


  1. " Achmed-Og smash puny American!"

  2. Thanks for the link! You drove me over 200K visits!

  3. GI Joe.
    Now with karate chop action!

  4. No shit. They found Goliaths kin folk over there. Thing is, will the NBA allow him to wear the turban thingy in the game?

  5. "Smallest American Soldier meets Tall Afghan"

    That GI looks small even compared to the people behind him.

  6. I can hear him saying "Show me the money, or I'll let him show you his knife" and cackling all the while as he get the single largest signing bonus for a foreign player in the NBA.

  7. How about...

    You must be at least THIS tall to ride Disney's new Pirates of the Persian Gulf.

    No? Okay how about...

    You know , sir, here at Falafel Hut we'll Supersize your order for only 99 drakmas.


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