Sunday, August 26, 2007

Crushed by the absence of you.

Dang. Yesterday broke my 30-day-plus streak of over 1k hits/day.

Shattered, I tell you, shattered!


  1. It wasn't my fault!
    I must have stopped by two dozen times, waiting to say something stupid.
    Alas, my stupid muse took the day off.
    I can't read blogs from work so I tend to OD on the weekends.

  2. I had a similar day Friday. My site (not my blog, nobody reads that crap) has been running a fairly consistent 900 or so visitors/day through the summer (slow time of year for gun collectors). Friday it was something like 425! All I can think is that the site was down for a big part of the day and I didn't notice it. I have had a 425 count day since the first year it was open.

  3. Tam, I think teh intrwebz was busted yesterday. I just got my stats from Saturday and it says I only had 46 visitors. No way that's right.

  4. Well, I'd be happy to reach 1000, period.
    Then again, I'm not a blog-god like you! ;)

  5. LOL.
    I'm lucky to hit 1k in a month.

  6. You can make up for it with the bikini photo...


  7. I've had one day over 1k this month, and it was a day you linked to me.

    What can we learn from this? :)

  8. That we all need to post bikini photos?

  9. That's a good question, kristopher.

    I mean, I suppose I could try it...

  10. I worked all night. I had to skip something if I wanted to sleep.

  11. Hell, I haven't even got 1000 visits period. Might help if I posted more than once every two weeks, or I dunno, had something worthwhile to say. ;-)


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