Friday, August 24, 2007

Livin' in a geeksta's paradise...

Since we were talking about books, a view of a slice of VFTP Command Central:


  1. I know the feeling, just got two orders from Amazon, & have some on order for training.
    But everytime I say enough , I find something else that I need to read.

  2. Hmm. Breakfree, Hoppes, bloomer pateches, Kroil. Very nice. Oh yeah, nice library, too ;).

  3. Oops. Should have hit larger view first. Not Kroil, Goex powder

  4. It's really the Renegade Legion box that gives you away for a geek.

  5. last time we moved.... 1.5 truckloads of books.

    Someone once said we should get rid of some...... can't recall his name. I never spoke to him again.

  6. You're a Renegade Legion fan!!!! (The copy of Centurion on the bookshelf along with the vehicle guides).

    I own all of it save for a couple books.

    That's geek.

  7. Three words that are the light of my life and the bane of my existence.
    Half Price Books.

  8. James Burke! I loved that when it was on PBS, and I know I read the book, but it doesn't stick in my mind.

    And Tammy Bruce..... you would be surprised at how many people don't even know who she is.

  9. ZOMG! I'm always looking for someone to play Centurion with me! Not only do I have the books, I have all the metal miniature tanks....

  10. After looking at the photo and reading others' comments, two thoughts spring to mind:

    Honey, have you seen my submachinegun?

    and to paraphrase George Patton,

    Tiny tanks, God help me I do love 'em so.

  11. I turned a downstairs bedroom into a library, with shelves on all the walls. Still ran out of room.

  12. Is that a Star Trek model of some Klingon ship I see behind the can of black powder?

  13. We couldn't have afforded our book collection if we'd bought them at Half Price Books. The Friends of the Library store and small-town thrift shops are our haunts.

  14. I still need to rebuild my library. Probably will have to wait until I move out of this third-world hellhole. Moving is much easier when there isn't boxes upon boxes of books.

  15. Ah, bibliomania. I know it well.

    Speaking as a satisfied customer, I'd say you should check out, as it's the neatest thing ever.


  16. I shot a photo like that a while back for someone in e-mail.

    I don't remember what Coulter was doing on that second shelf, but I must have had a momentary reason for it in the general flail of that particular case. (You're only seeing a bit less than half of it.)

    I really need a peon who'll work for nothing-per-hour.


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