Friday, August 24, 2007

Today In History: The Fires of Vulcan.

On this date in 79AD, real estate speculators in the beachfront communities of Herculaneum and Pompeii took it in the neck when their investments (and sometimes their selves) were buried under as much as 75 feet of red hot ash from Mount Vesuvius.


  1. Roman Real Estate Salesman: It's all about location, location, loc... what the **** was that?!?

  2. I blame the eeeevil bankers who got those people to live their with their sub-prime mortgages.

  3. Then again, the following day the speculators cleaned up at the fire sale.

    You know what they say: when there's blood in the streets, buy real estate.

  4. Vulcan LOLs at real estate agents.

  5. I find your attempt at humor...Illogical


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