Saturday, September 29, 2007

Let's give them a pony, too!

WASHINGTON (AP) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Friday that every child born in the United States should get a $5,000 "baby bond" from the government to help pay for future costs of college or buying a home.
She can't possibly be this dumb. This has got to be a naked attempt at buying votes. Please tell me this is a naked attempt at buying votes. I mean, everybody knows that if you give everyone a lump sum of X dollars to help them pay for Z good or service, then the price of Z good or service is going to rise by X dollars across the board, since the sellers just take the increased affluence into consideration, and we're all right back where we started. Hillary's got to be smarter than me; she has to know this and yet she proposed it anyway, so this has to be something sinister and Machiavellian. Because the alternative is just dumb.

EDIT: I need to check out Marko and PDB before selecting my topics for the day. I see that great minds snark alike, however.


  1. Yup, I posted as well, mostly to myself as way of VENTING...
    I was nothing near as nice as you about it though.

    What a gloriously stupid idea this is. Like Rudy Da Great says.... the American public would have to be idiots to fall for this..... which got me thinking. Aren't they?
    Isn't that exactly what most of these candidates are banking on?

    It's usually safe to bank on stupidity... especially in voters.

  2. I learned long ago never to rely on the education and/or brain power of the average shmoe, even before I got into working tech support. Now? I firmly believe that if we went to biometric logins at work, the users would be forgetting their thumbs and eyes at home...


    *stamps foot* *holds breath*

  4. Never mind what others post, I wanna read some Tam snark!

  5. She's not stupid. She's convinced that you are, all evidence to the contrary. And she know that most of her likely voters won't even think about it - they'll just accept her cash for the vote.

  6. Hillary's idea would be even better if she would make it . . . retroactive !

  7. Ooh! Ooh! Even more!

    Can you imagine a "Baby Bonds" March in 2027 a la the "Bonus March" by WWI veterans during the Depression??

  8. Consider her constituents - and that you're not one of them.

  9. "every baby born in america" would that include those born to illegals? Will hillary it probably would :(.

  10. You said:
    "Hillary's got to be smarter than me;"

    Ha, that's funny right there!

    Mr Fixit

  11. Yes, but does the "Baby Bond" come with a fancy certificate thanking the new parents for having more children for the Fatherland, and a signed copy of Hillary's book, just like these sorts of things used to come in Nazi Germany?


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