Saturday, September 29, 2007

Today In History: Wooden walls.

While Thermopylae makes for good cinema, the sacrifice of the 300 would have been in vain if not for the activities of the allied Greek fleet on this date at Salamis. (...and by "activities", I mean "ten-foot-tall butt kickery".)


  1. OT: Whoohoo! Kalashnikitty shirt just arrived in the mail!!
    Ok, we now return you to your study of Greek military history.

  2. Ya sure, they didn't get the movie, but to this day, nobody goes into the deli and asks for a "Thermopyl on rye."

  3. If, in fact, this confrontation led to the eventual birth of Western Civilization, it could be said that the current GWOT against the Islamo fascists is the continued war, of which this was an early battle.

  4. And without the Greek fleet's fight at Artemisium to hold the Persian navy at bay and secure the seaward flank, the Greek army couldn't have even thought about making any kind of stand at Thermopylae.


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