Saturday, September 08, 2007

Today In Geek History: Boldly Went.

Space...the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

On September 8th, 1966, Star Trek aired its first episode, "The Man Trap".


  1. And people have the gall to call me a nerd.

  2. I watched that ep. I was 11 y.o. and instantly became infatuated with Mr. Spock!

  3. In Japan, the show is known as "Sulu, Master of Navigation."

  4. I remember that; I was a sophomore in high school when it came out.

  5. Silly Japanese.

    Sulu was the Helmsman.

    Ooops, I've revealed too much.


  6. Nothing will ever replace the original Trek in my heart. I've watched it since I was a kid, and although I now recognize it's flaws, watching it today still brings back the feelings of that 10 year old kid who ran home after school to catch up with Kirk and Spock and McCoy.

  7. Indeed, what could have been more seductive than 70s reruns of Star Trek that taught one to keen to polyester-on-polyester and the chafing of thighs? I was a sucker for it. Is this what you call your earth-kiss?

  8. I was 2 when it came out, so I missed out on the original airings, but I have watched it on and off for years.

    Can't think of another TV show that spawned 40 years of movies and television shows.

  9. I feel like I remember watching the originals (born 1965), but they may have been reruns. We own the whole series on DVD, and now my kids scorn the later spin-offs, too.

    Where else would you get phrases like "half-nekkid space chicks" and "He's going to do the yum-yum!" (as Kirk began to make out with the half-nekkid space chick du jour.

    I love Star Trek.


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