Saturday, September 08, 2007


I seem to have accidentally got myself a job, and I have to be there today at 2PM. On the upside, 40hrs a week will feel like part-time after the last few years.

Now to rack my brain for something to type between now and then. Something more exciting than "Sell your stocks! Hemlines are falling!"


  1. Hahaha...I've "accidentally" gotten jobs before...

    But the money will be nice, yeah?

  2. Good luck!

    Got my first job at the housewarming party of a friend.

  3. Congrats on the new job.

    Guess I will have to stop waiting, vulture like, for the sale of more Tam-a-phanalia.

  4. Is this a 2-to-10x5 schedule? Hope you end up with a couple of days clear. I've really enjoyed your regular blogging. Anyhow, congratulations on your increased income. Do you care to reveal any additional info on the new gig? It's nice to be sought-after, huh?

    I've enjoyed my free time since retirement, but - - -
    Last April, a group from the old job got together for our monthly lunch. One, a retired Ranger/former sheriff of a neighboring county, asked if I wanted some part time work. He has an investigations and security firm, mostly for a large energy company.

    I said my injured hip keeps me from doing anything really strenuous, and he asked if I still carry a pistol and a cell phone.

    So, I do a couple of 12-hour shifts each week, making sure no one walks off with a pipeline compressor station. I listen to a LOT of audio books and watch a few DVD movies. And get paid fairly well for it. Now, I need to looking into a laptop and wireless internet connection.


  5. Ha! Life of leisure all over with now, huh?

    Sokay.... I'll bet the snark will flow even heavier now. Nothing like dealing with people to get the crankiness flowing.

  6. Having more income again will be nice for you I'm sure.

    Hope you have more fun than human beings should be allowed at the new gig.

  7. Glad you got a job. You will find having fun buying guns more enjoyable because you can afford more and can now get into reloading with more of the toys.

    Full time employment means the ability to walk into the local car dealer and say "yeah I'll take the tan one and yes I will pay cash", like I did today.

    You will enjoy it if you want to.

  8. Holy crap, Tam-- what were you thinking? You're my heroine, and going legit with the job thing is setting a very poor example for me!

  9. Congrats on the new job Tam. Now go buy guns and ammo, lots and lots of ammo.

  10. I missed you leaving the last place. Hope this works out for you.

  11. J*bs are like being snakebit or falling in love-- they always get you when you aren't paying attention.

    Hope they pay you hundreds of thousands of $'s.

  12. don meaker--

    Yeah. I know what you mean.

    I had designs on Tam's 38/44 Heavy Duty Smif.

  13. Are you back to Merchant Of Death status?

  14. No, I'm officially a slacker.

  15. Hey this could be good....First one to guess the new job...maybe with the winner enjoying the honor of contributing to Tam's "food-or-ammo" fund? You know, until the big bucks start rolling in for her?

  16. "what were you thinking? You're my heroine"

    What's that "E" doing on there?

    Hmm, off work at 10, stop for a beer, then to the keyboard, fresh snark at 1 or 2 AM. This could work.

  17. "I'm not even supposed to be here today!"


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