Monday, September 03, 2007

We members of the Triangle of Death...

...often own cute and fluffy kitty cats as part of our disguise. That's how nefarious we are, baby.

(At the next meeting, I'm going to motion that we change it to the "Triangle of Doom", anyway. It sounds cooler.)


  1. To paraphrase an old Dave Chappelle Show sketch.

    I'm a part of The Triangle Of Death??!! Awesome!!!

  2. NRA member? Gun dealer? I'd vote for you if you ran for Congress. ('course I'd have to fake it since I don't live in TN) Then you could be a complete Triangle of Doom!

    That's a good thing, right?

    Tam '08!

  3. As a "non-joining anarchist", I have to settle for being one of "a thousand points of death". It's good work if you can get it.

    (Actually I am member of the NRA, but only because it's a life membership and I'm too lazy to tell them to stop sending me that pitiful magazine.)

  4. The Triangle of Doom. I like it, it's catchy, and it has that whole supervillain ring to it.

  5. Hot on the very heels of notone but three mentions of The Bikini Picture, you have to bring up the triangle of doom.

    Now nobody will get any sleep.

  6. Wouldn't a pentagon upset the lefties more than a triangle?

  7. As soon as we can get booze manufacturers and pirates on board with our conspiracy, we'll go to a pentagon...

  8. As soon as we can get booze manufacturers and pirates on board with our conspiracy, we'll go to a pentagon...

    No,no,no. It's the BATF(e). So we need the moonshiners, tobacco farmers and fertilizer/explosive manufacturers on board.

    Star of David of Doom?

  9. Have you looked at Kyle Cassidy's "Armed America: Portraits of Gun Owners in Their Homes?" There's a LOT of cats in that book. Seems us gun nuts love them cats.

  10. One would think it should be BATFE but looking at the card from my friendly local "Investigator" it says "ATF". Her, as she calls them, "shoot me clothes" also say ATF on them.



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