Sunday, September 30, 2007

What an odd thing to make the AP wire...

Slow news day in Wisconsin, I guess.


  1. I dunno, I thought it was
    kind of an absorbing story.
    Anon, Don

  2. I had a friend once whose little brother had this thing about toilet paper-- he couldn't bring himself to buy it. He was ashamed (apparently) that people would see him in the aisle at the supermarket with a package of toilet paper, and would say, "Aha! I know what you're going to do with that, you dirty bugger!"

    He was otherwise a very generous and giving person, and was in no other way a thief.

    But he also would not use anything that would remotely be construed as a public restroom, making long trips rather difficult.

    When my wife and I see these kinds of stories on the news, we just grin and say, "Cool! Nobody died in horrible tsunamis, today."

  3. People will steal anything. At work I've had computer equipment stolen that would be absolutely useless to 99.9% of the people out there. And yeah, we've had the "John Wayne" toilet paper stolen too.

    All together now:

    "It's rough, it's tough, and it won't take !@@# off of anybody."

  4. "Hey, what's new?"

    Backing up some fifty years: A buddy of mine was a mechanic at a filling station in Fort Lauderdale. He and others would bring the final one-third of bars of soap and of rolls of toilet paper from home. If they put new bars or rolls in the restrooms, they'd be stolen.

    Sleazoiditis ain't a new thing...


  5. It was probably an inside job, and some city employee being on the take.

  6. Yeah, it was a slow news day up here, but I was outta tush tissue, and payday ain't until next Thursday for me. :)

  7. If nothing else (and let's face it, it is nothing else) this seems to answer the previous question defining governmental services, in a neighboring state:

    "Well, if they were non-essential...?"

  8. I suspect a massive TP bootlegging conspiracy, just as you TN folks are seeing with cigs.


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