Thursday, November 29, 2007

CNN doesn't like Fred Thompson.

Thompson launches first negative ad amid GOP street fight screams the headline on this morning.

Like anybody trusts anything CNN has to say about politics anymore. Hey, did you know that the reporter was carefully selected beforehand and provided with a script?


  1. "CNN doesn't like Fred Thompson."


    And water is wet,the sky is blue, and the Stupid Party insists on shoving Northeast social liberals down our throats as the only candidates capable of defeating the Hildabeast.

  2. What, Jimbob, you don't think Democrats in elephant suits are cute? All the other kids are laughing and cheering -- CNN said they were, so it must be true!

    Goodness, one might almost get the impression there's a leftward tilt to the media or something. Oh dear, oh dear.

    (Word verification: NRAVW. I want one!)

  3. "(Word verification: NRAVW. I want one!)"

    That's the one, that when it backfires, you better have a hunting license?

  4. MSM seems to be operating on the basis that politicians used to: run it up the flagpole, and if nobody salutes, roll out a new meme. For a week, it's been "Fred is done" all over the place. Next week, they'll be officially shocked at his groundswell.

    At a certain point, you shouldn't be able to call it political "science" anymore.

  5. 01/20/09: I for one want to welcome our new Lizard Queen Overlord!

  6. "Hey, did you know that the reporter was carefully selected beforehand and provided with a script?"

    So we shouldn't be kvetching about how at least nine of the so-called "undecided voters" who were asking wedge issue questions turned out to be affiliated with Democrat candidates? You darn well know that had any of the Republican campaigns managed to pull off something like that during a Democrat debate, it'd be the most scandalous dirty political trick since the Watergate break-in.

  7. The media doesn't like Fred because he hasn't rushed to kiss their butts.

    Funny how he is criticized for, maybe not purposely, emulating people like Madison. Back then, you had to be disinterested and cajoled by friends and supports to run and then you complained and resisted campaigning.

  8. Wall St Jrnl piled on this morning, calling Thompson's tax plan "Fred's Folly," not because it fails to make cuts permanent, eliminate the death tax, and fund the military--it does all that--but because he didn't hold the right kind of press conference to insure media support.

  9. "So we shouldn't be kvetching about how at least nine of the so-called "undecided voters" who were asking wedge issue questions turned out to be affiliated with Democrat candidates?"

    How the f$ck did you get that out of my post?

    Have you been reading this blog at all?

  10. Guess I'll have to see what WSJ had to say today...they spoke well of the proposal earlier in the week.

  11. None of the conservative candidates get positive press. With Thompson being the nearest front running conservative, the press is ignoring him as much as possible. The media want Guiliani to be the candidate. He's THEIR type of people. Romney is a close second. God forbid that a southern conservative get good press. Huckabee is coming up, but, I don't think he has the staying power.

  12. How the f$ck did you get that out of my post?

    Have you been reading this blog at all?

    I asked because (a) it did seem out of character for you, and (b)there have been a few folks on right-leaning blogs who've been pushing the "no big deal" line. Probably helps that I'd been up for twelve hours at the time due to a rather rude wrong number call the previous afternoon, and my snark-to-english translator was on the fritz again.


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