Thursday, November 15, 2007

Today In History: Go figure.

On this date in 1941, SS head honcho Heinrich Himmler signed an order that all homosexuals be rounded up and sent to the concentration camps. Somehow Reichsmarshal Herman Goering escaped the er, dragnet, so to speak.


  1. You know, some folks say there's evidence that ol' Adolf was sucking on the meat snorkel as well, and that Eva was mostly there for plausible deniability.

  2. "meat snorkel"

    Didn't need to read that, thankyouverymuch.

    Where's the Brillo pad, my brain needs a good scrubbing now.

  3. Hitler, if homosexual, was certainly not exclusively so. There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal. Both Waite and Langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism. It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with Hitler. Two succeeded

  4. I'd be willing to let him off that rap on sartorial grounds alone.

  5. The big Dick-tators are usually fetishists of one sort or another and like the clubby atmosphere - count chubby Hugo Chavez among them most likely.

  6. anon, if he were "exclusively" homosexual, would that settle things once and for all? I don't know about you (and by that I mean I really don't know about you) but I get a little suspicious of those swinging doors, if you get my drift. And that's all British propaganda, or that's what I heard anyway. Heh.

    Other than that One Thing, his track record sounds a lot like mine. Which may be why I'm here, talking with you...

    Sartorial hmm. I have some high boots, but I'm not weird about it or nothin'. Or does The Tam mean the women's sartorial fashion? "What they deserved..."

    Dirt, extra points for proper pejorative use of Dick. Right on, brother. I guess you must know that my favorite car company, until it became unsupportable, built a car named Dictator. As a matter of fact, it does take a lot of balls to drive one.

  7. "And that's all British propaganda, or that's what I heard anyway. Heh."

    Rumor has it there's some hellishly funny Looney Tunes along those lines.

  8. comatose....put on the boots....just as long as you can behave like a responsible brown shirt....needing a brown shower....

  9. oa, oo yah.

    anon, my shirt may be black, but my neck's as red as yours.

    Comatose. Oh I wish. If you only knew.

  10. dirtcrashr,

    It's going to take a wire brush and just gallons of bleach to get Uncle Joe in a flowered frock out of my noggin, thanks.


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