Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Today In History: Suffragette city.

It was on this day in 1893 that women, even non-uppity ones, were able to vote the parliamentary elections in New Zealand. This was a first in a national election in a modern Western democracy. The United States didn't let us worry our pretty little heads for another twenty-seven years.


  1. And the country's been going downhill ever since.

  2. Before Women's Suffrage we had presidents like George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. After Women's suffrage we get FDR, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

    I'm not saying that its their fault...

    Aww hell, who am I kidding.

    It's their fault.

    If Hillary gets elected I think we should take it away from them.

  3. Oops. Coolidge was just after.

    Never mind :-)

  4. "The United States didn't let us worry our pretty little heads for another twenty-seven years."

    Now we have candidates with $200 haircuts, who make promises "for the children".

  5. Didja know that Wyoming, prior to it even becoming a state in 1890, was already a bastion of progressivism with their women already voting.

    I believe that Wyoming also had the first female Governor as well.

    Makes you wonder who's the hypocrit, snotty, sactimonious finger-wagging "liberals" from NOO-England, or the 4 or 5 states who've been walking the walk 30 or more years before the rest of the nation decided to pull its head out of its ass.

    Being a woman has nothing to do with being a liberal versus conservative or authoritarian versus anarchist, it's all about people being stupid and allowing themselves to be whitewashed by the likes of silver-tongued, lying bastard politicians.

  6. "And the country's been going downhill ever since."

    It's been going downhill since Geo. Washington wasn't hung during the Whiskey Rebellion.

    "Before Women's Suffrage we had presidents like George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge."

    ...and U.S. Grant, Lenin... er, Lincoln, I mean, and Andy "Genocidal Imperialist" Jackson.

    "Now we have candidates with $200 haircuts, who make promises "for the children"."

    Yeah, before the had big beards and just had to pander to penilely-gifted populists, know-nothings, slaveholders, and union members.

    Jesus Howard Christ on a turbocharged crutch, is this the best you guys got?

  7. Geez. What's next? Women in the military?

  8. Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about New Zealand going downhill.

    In the first election in which women could vote, the reforming Democrat (founder of Cox Cable) lost.

    We got direct election of senators, the League of Nations, 675000 dead, and Prohibition just months before women got to vote--and you want to blame your decline on them?

  9. Comatus, the line is, "The woman gave the apple to me, it wasn't my idea."

    Guys, y'all been up to this game for awhile now, and guess what? It's not your Mom's fault.

  10. as a total aside - why is Jesus always on things? Christ on a bike! Christ on a cracker! Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

    Also, it's Howard, then? I've always wondered.

  11. "...and Prohibition just months before women got to vote..."

    Right. Lord knows all the female temperance crusaders fighting for years against demon rum didn't clue politicians in to the fact that woman could be ridden like cheap mules when it comes to voting for nanny state bullshit...

    "It's been going downhill since Geo. Washington wasn't hung during the Whiskey Rebellion."

    Damn straight. And I still say Burr dropping that bastard Hamilton should be a holiday, rather than President's Day.

    The sad thing is there's no more Cain-tuckee type government-less frontier to pack it off to.

    "...and U.S. Grant, Lenin... er, Lincoln, I mean, and Andy "Genocidal Imperialist" Jackson."

    All three of those cocksuckers managed to kill family of mine. Apparently if you kill kin of mine your get your face on money.

    Just further proof that most men and women, regardless of the time in history or the present, aren't worth a damn.

  12. oa, some women campaigned for prohibition--some didn't!--but the campaign was run by one little man in an office in Dayton, and men voted for it and for the representatives who passed it. Women didn't get to vote on that. You're saying that women told men how to vote, and they listened?

    Maybe that "patriarchy" deserved to fall.

    Of all the suffragists and women's rights campaigners there were in the 19th cent.--a lot of them libertarians--when they put one on the money, it had to be the one who was also a tavern-smasher. I hope you didn't have a family connection to that one too...

  13. Thanks, I'm now free of nits. Tasty little buggers, no?

  14. Well, if you're going to be that way about it: the refugees of the Whiskey Rebellion didn't go to Kentucky.

    They founded Ohio.


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