Friday, December 28, 2007

The most awkward week in blogging.

So here we are, in that weird dead zone between Christmas and the first of the year... In addition to keeping up my regular output of snark, this is when I'm supposed to pontificate deeply over the events of the past year and/or toss out some Top Five/Ten/Twenty/ One Hundred lists that take up space without seeming trite or banal.

Perhaps not coincidentally, this is the time of year when I'm also most likely to be found huddled in a glassy-eyed ball under my desk, nursing writer's block with chocolate and alcohol while the bullet-riddled remains of my keyboard smoke gently on the particle board slab above me.


  1. Yes, it has been a year. Humbug on the Reflectoramas and Top Lists - wasted time. Thank you for sharing with us a glimpse into your life. Chocolate and alcohol are not bad companions - I can think of worse. Go shoot something, girl! Post on!

  2. ....Particle board? Tsk. Come over to the Dark Side. Stop killin' those poor innercent trees with full-auto fire and use a blade: move up to oak! (It's the other white wood).

    The bullet-riddled keyboard, semi-sweet choc and vodka, on the other hand, I am so entirely there for that approach!

  3. You must have nicked the phone by accident when you shot up that keyboard...been trying to get a hold of you for two days now.

  4. Do what I'm doing. Take a hiatus until after 1/1/08.

    It only feels like cheating.

    (Word verification: ennxs - how appropriate!)

  5. Wow.... didn't you peg that one to the tree.

    Week laced with all sorts of downers... Depression, sleep issues, headaches... and shooting the keyboard actually sounds like a good idea.

    Maybe strap a half pound of FFG to it's little butt and attempt escape velocity.

    THAT presents a cheerful vision.

  6. You can always just take a break. Lots of folks do, around this time.

  7. "most likely to be found huddled in a glassy-eyed ball under my desk, nursing writer's block with chocolate and alcohol while the bullet-riddled remains of my keyboard smoke gently on the particle board slab above me"

    Where's the mad giggling?

  8. Your Christmas season sounds way more eventful than mine, Tam.

    Oak? Nah, we to get that lass some fine mahogany, teak or rosewood. And I'm not talking veneer here.

  9. Hey, darn it, I'm the one who owns her own plunge router and circular saw! Foo!

    ....Geesh, it is always the blondes.... ;)


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