Friday, December 28, 2007

Yet more from the Department Of The Obvious:

Yesterday morning on the TeeWee news, the morning talking head announced that the increase in Law Enforcement officer deaths in 2007 was attributed to "shootings and motor vehicle accidents", conclusively silencing those who speculated that "eaten by piranhas", "chased off cliffs by circus clowns", or "vivisection by aliens" may have cracked the top two in the last twelve months.


  1. OT but didnt' get a response via email. You meeting us tomorrow?


  2. Si.

    Been outta town; home soon.

  3. Now THAT was quality snark.

    Was that so hard? Writer's block, indeed. Piffle.

  4. I would have thought that being bored to death would have been in the top 10 at least.

  5. Thank you Tam, I needed that laugh. That was a delicious piece of snark!!

  6. I almost blogged on that story.

    There's a spike in cops dying by shootings. Get ready for the political fodder made of that.

    Thing is, of the ~1M sworn officers, there were only about 80 cops who died feloniously, up from 65 or so. Most of that spike can be accounted for by a couple of mass shootings that took place (two in TX) this year. Any statistician worth his salt throw out anomalies. We pretty much ditch the 2001 stats, because of this. They don't realistically portray trends.

    The real trend is: cars go faster than they ever have before, and there are more guns on the street than there ever have been before, but there are fewer cops dying than before, since the early '90s.

    But the Nanny Government doesn't want you to hear that, and the news media don't find it an interesting story.

  7. No stats on simply "being run from town like common pygmies" I guess.

  8. They are counting like 17 that died in Iraq

  9. Also note that it includes gunshot accidents, or mishaps in training.
    The report counted the deaths of 186 officers as of Dec. 26, up from 145 last year. Eighty-one died in traffic incidents, which the report said surpassed their record of 78 set in 2000. Shooting deaths increased from 52 to 69, a rise of about 33 percent.Of the total #The report includes the death of 17 federal law enforcement officers, including five Air Force Office of Special Investigations agents killed in two bombings in Iraq.

  10. Sorry but I am less impressed by these statistics than most.

    Perhaps its the knowledge of truly dangerous jobs; commercial fisherman, farmer/rancher, delivery driver/truck driver, etc.

    I posted on this topic previously.

  11. OK.
    "chased off cliffs by circus clowns" has resulted in Harpoon IPA all over my keyboard.
    It's NOT good coming out of yer nose.

  12. ""chased off cliffs by circus clowns" has resulted in Harpoon IPA all over my keyboard."

    My work here is done...

  13. Vivisected by circus piranhas?


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