Friday, February 01, 2008

I guess this makes sense to somebody...

Maybe Yahoo was getting stomped by Google because it wasn't stagnant and reactionary enough.


  1. I'm not really a fan of yahoo- I'm on dialup, and the less images and ads, the better for me. So I use google.

    I do use Yahoo email, but only because at the time I signed up for my account, Gmail was invite-only...

  2. Google is an ultra collectivist Hive in a college-campus perpetual-student setting. A friend who works there is concerned that if anybody finds out he shoots (High Master) he'd lose his job... That saying I use Gmail and Google all the time - but I never click on ads of any sort, nor on my Yahoo! homepage.

  3. I need to be a little bit circumspect so I don't loose my job here at The Borg but MS really wants the biggest piece of the search market. There is a LOT of money in the ads placed there. This is, in part, because it is easy to target the ads based on the search words.

    Yahoo is #2 and MS is #3 in the search market. To be #1 you need to first get into position #2. The acquisition of Yahoo accomplishes that.

    MS now has parity on quality of search results with Google and we expect to out perform them "soon". But technical excellence is not enough. Part of the issue is that search engine usage isn't based so much on technical excellence as it is "it's just what I have always used". Obtaining Yahoo's users gives us a big jump in user base without having to win those users one-by-one.

    MS isn't exactly gun-friendly but it's not as gun hostile as Google and there are a number of people on the inside working to make MS more gun friendly and haven't encountered much serious resistance. It will take time though...

  4. [Please replace "loose" with "lose" above.]

    Something you won't find associated with Google: Gun Club At Microsoft.


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