Friday, February 01, 2008

The sweet smell of failure.

w00t! TN got seven points, tying us for 35th place!

SEVEN points, bitches! w00t!

Somewhere in Nashville, a hippie is crying.


  1. The Brady Bunch is out to lunch, as usual. They sez you don't need a permit to perchase a handgun in Nebraska....... I guess the "I'm not a FELON Card" (Nebraska Firearm Purchase Permit) in my wallet is a figment of my imagination........

    They are now keeping score and can't seem to keep their scoring system straight. Maybe they oughta go back to the letter grade deal....more fudge in that system.

  2. I hate when hippies makes a clean spot & you have to just go ahead and pressure-wash the whole critter.

  3. My state scored a 4; I hope we can lower it.

  4. Bobg,
    Yeah,my state too. Tied for 44th. You go Alaska. I'm surprised we had any points at all.

  5. New Mexico: 6 points! Ranked #37!

    We're not the best, but we beat Texas, and that's what counts. :D

  6. I was not happy with 13 points & 20th place, heck we got rid of 80 gun laws early last year!

  7. HAH, 6 points :-P~~~

    Sadly, AZ was beaten by KY, which is an amazingly gun friendly state. However, the ranges are much better here in AZ, and so is the weather. Though the influx of refugees from CA is getting out of hand.

  8. Florida - 8 points (tied for 32nd). And this in spite of Broward and Palm Beach couties (New York's southernmost boroughs).

  9. I was dismayed to find Texas tied for 29th (9 points).

    Come on Texas, we can do better than that!

    We picked up 5 points for "child access prevention" and another 4 for not allowing guns on the job or college campuses.

    I bet if we work hard we can get that down to a nice zero in no time.

  10. Damn.
    We got an 11

    We'll do worse next year, I promise!

  11. That's the sixteenth new keyboard you owe me.

  12. "I was dismayed to find Texas tied for 29th (9 points).

    Come on Texas, we can do better than that!"

    I saw Texas and Georgia are tied... and Georgia can do better too. In fact, over at LawDog's blog, he has a link posted of a bill in the GA legislature that will improve GA's gun laws.

    What I want to know is who did we tie with Vermont? They don't have much at all in the way of gun laws.

  13. Maryland. 5th 53 points. Sumbitz!

    I'd be happy to drop to a MERE 26 points and tie with our neighbors to the north.

    (Heh, Pennsylvania is like Maryland's Canada. Except WE are the more socialist one.)

  14. Oklahoma babyyyyy... w00t! Ranked 49th. eat our gun tottin' dust.

  15. Bah. Alabama's 19th, with 15 points. Never thought we'd jealous of Mississippi... :)

  16. I'm a bit disappointed that My Fair State (Indiana) was given 8 points by the Brady Bunch. Then I cheered up when somehow we managed to edge out Vermont, which for reasons that escape me scored 9.

    I'm flummoxed. What the heck happened in Vermont? Geeze, you turn your back for one teensy minute...


  17. I'll wear my state's 4 points as a badge of honor...

  18. "Oklahoma babyyyyy... w00t! Ranked 49th. eat our gun tottin' dust."

    Sorry Okie, I just can't do that from here in Ky.


  19. 7 points for Kansas, too. 7 points, that's what ALL the kool kidz are getting from the Brady Bunch.

  20. I see another error that would send Missouri's score even lower. We got a "4" ranking, but I see that they think we have a waiting period. MO actually got rid of the pesky "Permit to Acquire" law last year. Previously we were forced to get a permission slip from our county sheriff's office in order to purchase a handgun. This de facto waiting period is now gone. Yaaay MO!!!


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