Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Is it just me...

...or did the Patriots vs. the Giants have deeper philosophical overtones and more starkly contrasting opponents than the Democrats vs. the Republicans?

Although your average NFL team could learn something about inculcating blind, inarticulate, pompom-waving, face-painting loyalty from observing the party machines in action...


  1. "your average NFL team could learn something about inculcating blind, inarticulate, pompom-waving, face-painting loyalty from observing the party machines in action"

    That's some cold smack, there.

  2. I'm with ya. The difference between Eli Manning and Tom Brady is stark compared to the difference between John McCain and Hillary Clinton.


    I ALMOST made it through the week without knowing which teams played in the bowl game.

    Put some kind of warning in thete, nsfsensible people, or something.

    And yes, serious smack indeed.

  4. If you are talking about the "likely nominees," then yes, I'm afraid there is minimal difference on most issues. There were some markedly non-Dems in the Rep field, but they are either dead or dying.

    The one issue that is the exception to the rule is gun rights. None of the likely nominees supports a true conception of RKBA, true. But at the fringes where the battle is being fought now - such as banning selected scary guns, restricting or de-restricting carry - even McCain will be a different animal than Hilary or Obama.

    Even if it is just a case of McCain hoping a new AWB doesn't come up because he doesn't want to have to choose and thus upset his "centrist independent play it both ways" strategy, that is far preferable to Obama or Hilary who would both relish an opportunity to sign a new AWB.


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