Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"Party Training"?

I see kids are never too young to be canalized into the binary party system that ate American politics:
Nate's dad, Jeff Moore, uses the "Weepublican" shirts as an introduction to politics. "When we see the big elephant, what does it stand for?" he says he asks his kids.
Jesus and wiretaps, these days.
Jackie Kaplan, who runs a consulting firm for social justice and community-based nonprofits, says her son David may not choose his activist duds, but he's aware of what they say. He has been marching in Washington, D.C., protests and canvassing neighborhoods for causes since he was 3. Kaplan, a lesbian, also dresses him in shirts supporting gay rights, one of which reads "Let My Parents Marry."
Hopefully the back reads "...and please don't beat me up."


  1. So they're putting their kids in shirts that espouse their own political views. Meh. It's no different than a gunny putting an NRA ballcap on his toddler.


  2. "Jesus and wiretaps"

    Sounds like a great name for a punk band.

    I'm desperately trying to not influence my daughters' political affiliation. I'm hoping that I can refrain from mentioning party names while simply telling them about liberty and what it entails.

    That way, they can make their own decisions when they get older based on logic and reason and not "Well, my parents were X".

    Of course, being a registered Independent makes that a wee bit easier.

  3. Well, you need to brain wash them young to get them before free thought turns them away from the liberal cause I guess. . .
    Resistance is futile,you will be assimilated. . . .

  4. So, when can we start the shooting?

    I mean, the whole thing is being runs by the crazies in the nut house. Isn't this what DOI was written for, eventualities such as this?

  5. Wasn't aware a three year old could have a cause, beyond more dessert and not browning his or her trousers.

    How is this any different than teaching to hate based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or belief in non-believing? Mayhaps I'm just simplistic, but ain't hate, hate? It's still black and pointy even when wrapped in a "cause".

  6. You realize, of course, that little Nate is gonna grow up to be a PoliSci professor at UC - Berkeley, while young David will grow up to be Dick Cheney.

  7. oa: Well, at least in this case I can agree with what the liberals have shrouded their kid in. Lesbians getting married neither picks my pocket nor breaks my arm. I don't see much "hate" in the message that the government shouldn't stand in their way.

  8. "little Nate is gonna grow up to be a PoliSci professor at UC - Berkeley, while young David will grow up to be Dick Cheney."

    Close the polls, folks. We have the money quote.

  9. perlhaqr, I was talking about the forest rather than the tree, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

  10. It's still black and pointy even when wrapped in a "cause".

    Really? I always pictured my hate as red and glistening moistly. The implements of my hate, on the other hand, tend to be black and sometimes pointy.

  11. I rely upon the principle of displacement to float my boats.


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