Saturday, February 16, 2008

News from the front...

iTunes playing.

Go pick up the truck at noon.

VFTP will probably go off the air around 4 or 5 PM.

Signal will resume on this frequency tomorrow evening or Monday morning.


  1. Lift with the legs, not the back

    Glad I'm on the opposite end of the state from all that manual labor.

    (Actually, I'd love to help, but I got my can full of moving when I was in the Government Canoe Club.)

  2. Good luck with the trip, hope it goes smoothly.

  3. My best advice: Take two Advil or aspirin (but not both) before you start doing any lifting. Also, do some gentle stretching exercises for five or so minutes prior to putting the boxes in the truck.

    Drive safely and take a break every four hours just to stretch the legs and such.

    Bon voyage!

  4. Are you going to change the name of the blog to "View From The Attic"?

    Drive safe, Tam - and now that you're going to be in Yankeeland, consider yourself and Roberta invited to the brewery.

  5. Have a safe trip, Tam.

  6. I usually clock about 6 hours +/- from Knoxville to north Indianapolis. Assuming you're going I75-275-74... the only part of that trip that might be dicey for a box truck is the construction zone north of Lexington (several miles of 2 lane/no shoulders). Also watch the ramps from 75 to 275, and 275 to 74-- they're tight, take it easy!)

    NWS says rain moving in, starting about midnight tonight in Indy, about 3 am in Cincinnati. Temps will be warm - highs Sunday in the mid 50s. Sunday night gets colder - 30% chance of snow Monday.

    If you ladies could use an extra unloader Sunday, email "oldgrouch001 -ta- egix daht net". Welcome to Indy!

  7. If you're comming far enough to visit Breda, SWMBO and I are on the way, Stop by Amherst, Ohio , and We'll buy ya a piece of bloody cow and few Cold Ones.


  8. Carry extra magazines and a can of pepper spray.

    Be safe. Have fun.

  9. That is one truck that NOBODY better try to mess with!
    Bon Voyage!

  10. Wish I was available to help you unload and welcome you to Indiana. That darn work thing. Drive safe.

  11. Have a safe trip. Email me if you think you might need an emergency contact near Cincinnati. I'll respond with a cell #.


  12. *clears throat*

    Bump ba deeda bump ba deeda bump ba deeda bump ba deeda....Happy trails to you....Until we meet again....Happy trails to you....Keep smilin' until then....

    Drive safe, Tam. *wave*

  13. Have a safe trip!

    (Word verification: trkyelig


  14. Have a safe & speedy trip. I'll keep the oven on standby.

  15. I was still in Indy I'd run down to help, but Phoenix is a bit far. Have a safe trip.

  16. Fair winds and following seas, Lady!

  17. Please make it known that it is they who talk funny.

  18. Happy landings from one of the few who could eat soup off your head :)

  19. safe travels, you fabulous thing!

  20. It's 106 miles to Chicago. We have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Hit it.

    (Or words to that effect. We'll see you on the flip side, Tam.)

  21. Yes, drive carefully.

    We'd all just hate to lose our mistress of snark.

  22. Moving to Indiana is no excuse not to post the Sunday Smith!


  23. Drive safe, Tam...and remember that everyone else on the road is an idiot, and will do the dumbest thing at the worst time!

  24. I have seen Tamara drive.


    Up a sandy embankment.

    Very frickin' slowly. (She was leaving hunt camp to go back to work.)

    That said, given her level of interest in the tactics and mechanics of driving, I feel pretty good about her staying in the slow lane and making Indianapolis safely.

    (Oh, crap: she's towing the Zed Three from an underpowered, overused, undermaintained, oversized unfamiliar vehicle.)

    Scroom. The rest of 'em can jolly well get out of her way. ;)

    I'm sleeping soundly tonight. :)

  25. Don't forget to take the penny off the porch rail...

  26. well folks tam's pulled out of driveway and is going over to bobs to hook up the trailer and load the Z-car up. So she's headed to Indianapolis.

  27. Hey Tam!

    Have a safe trip!
    Remember that slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

    BTW, I got some good news. :-)
    More by email.

  28. Be safe out there, Tam.

    Watch out for The Other Guy.


  29. If you become an Indiana resident you can get a lifetime ccw. :)

  30. Good luck, Tam!

    And... since WHEN is Indiana YANKEE territory? I always thought that you had to be from New England to be a yankee. (or NYC, for you baseball fans).

  31. Indian-no-place?

    Good lord ... why?

    Must be a job offer.

  32. Are you there yet?
    Are you there yet?
    Are you there yet?

  33. ...and she was never heard from again.


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