Friday, February 29, 2008

Once more out of the breach, dear friends.

Despite retraining as a forward air controller for an opportunity to get into the fight, Prince Henry of Wales is being denied the chance to emulate his eponymous forebear and remain in the company of his band of brothers. Crowns for convoy have been placed in his purse, and he is being whisked back to England, where gentlemen now abed hold their manhoods cheap and fear for his safety because some asshat in the media couldn't keep his damned mouth shut.


  1. That's really too bad. I think he shows tremendous mettle, and is actually (dare I say it about a Hapsburg?!!!) rather attractive. That nose looks rather Charles-ish, but other than that, I'd lay money on there being a military guy in the woodpile.

  2. He is kinda cute-ish, in a "make me feel all Mrs. Robinson-y" way.

  3. You know, I think they are afraid that if he were hurt or injured that it would galvanize the Brits to put a proper whooping on the Muslim bastards. Not because he's too important or that it would further endanger his brothers in arms (great album).

  4. As I've said on other blogs that commented on this; I hope Harry confronts that turdburglar Drudge. Didn't know you could sink lower than UK tabloids. What a self serving wanker. Drudge should stick to politics and Michael Jackson. What a fuckstick.

  5. Do they still have regiments of the "Monarch's Own"? They really ought to put him titullarly in charge of the "Prince's Own" consisting mostly of Royal Marines with a liberal dosing of SBS and SAS and send them to the sandbox. Yes, he would be essentially bait for the wogs, but hey it would be a lot like fishin with dynamite...

    Sadly, Sergeant Whathisname hasn't worked.

  6. I like harry a Hell of a lot better than his useless tit of a father...and a bit more than William. He's got "the stanes" at any rate.

  7. Drudge was the one that apparently let the cat out of the bag. As he has so many times...


    As Anon noted, the "asshat" in question would be Matt Drudge.

  9. Just read a story on Yahoo, that say William will likely serve in the British Navy,"...probably on board a Royal Navy battleship, the defense ministry said Saturday."
    Either the British MOD let slip a naval secret, or the Brits have an active duty battlewagon hidden somewhere up the Thames river.
    Of course the media could be wrong again too!

  10. I saw reference to the news first being put out by an Australian source. But, that isn't to say that Drudge shouldn't be drawn and quartered for expanding on the tune.
    The British have a long history of royalty serving in the military. Even Charles did his time and by all appearances, did quite well.
    I believe that too many media types hate to admit that there really are people who believe in providing service to one's country.
    Oh! Tam. You're too fine for a mere prince.

  11. o-gosh, If you're feeling all mrs. robinson-y, that must make me either hume cronin, or more likely ray walston. I suspect if he didn't have royal credentials, you wouldn't have the time of day for him. If Harry wants to go Muslim hunting, let him damnit. I like the idea of the prince's own regiment. When I was that age, I wanted very badly to get a big hefty hunk of the ass of america's true enemies. Fortunately I failed to realize this could have been had for the price of a greyhound ameripass.....

    only thing I remember from that time is what cute little infants, Wills and Harry were...

    I'd much rather see Harry running around with girls than beating up media demons.
    john (a very unfavorable royal name)


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