Monday, February 11, 2008

Overheard in a car...

...somewhere between Calhoun's and McKay's:

Gunsmith Bob: "Have you ever been down partying on The Strip the whole time you've lived in Knoxville?"

Me: "Yeah, that's what I want to do; spend an evening surrounded by thousands of drunken, screaming college kids. We should go do that. Wait, I can think of something I'd rather do instead! Gouge out my own eyeballs with a broken beer bottle."

Gunsmith Bob: "I've never been, either."


  1. Then does that mean you're moving back to Atlanta because they tore down all the party places in Buckhead? lol

  2. I've been several times... It's served to cement that I don't like crowds and loud music.

  3. I too was once... boring!

    Andy Ford

  4. Hah!

    Many Las Vegans avoid our Strip like the plague...unless they work there or have out-of-town guests visiting.

  5. I lol'ed and startled the person in front of me.


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