Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Welcome to Europe.

Conservatives are grieving. If they had to identify what they are grieving over, many would probably say either the death of the Republican Party or the end of conservative influence. I am grieving the end of the "specialness" that has been the United States.

Read the whole thing.

(H/T to staghounds)


  1. Whole thing read.

    Barely noon and I already need a stiff drink.

  2. At a family gathering on Sunday, everyone was waxing foaming-at-the-mouth, and I asked the patriarch "which candidate depresses you the least?" He couldn't identify a less-depressing candidate.

  3. Ireland? Can I bring the boomsticks?

    Some of my ancestors fled Ireland because it was so screwed up.... the grass is always greener......

  4. No, you can't. That and the Navy are the only big liberty differences.

  5. "the U.S. is just another European country now. We are all welfare states if not outright socialist ones and our political choices are between center-left and left-left."

    Stiff drink or three...and maybe, just maybe, go play with a loaded .45 when I'm about halfway through that bottle of whiskey.

    This is the last of American Freedom right here. The slow circling of the bowl has hastened into the turbulent vortex, and no amount of voting is getting our asses out of this situation.

  6. I don't think I buy it - too many folks are complaining about the current round of GOP nominees. It's not just the internet and talk radio, the grumbling's on the ground to. Further.. you know my Dad, the one with the McGovern for President sticker still hanging proudly in his office? HE is complaining the candidates on his side are "too liberal." The disconnect between the media's anoited and the bulk of the population is at least as large as that between us and 'The Regular Guy.'

    Thing's cycle back around - just a question of whether it'll comparatively gentle, or an outright shock. Even though all the signs are there now, I can't help but think once a post-boomer population is living in a country where the national treasury has literally been emptied for our parents' retirement (among other problems) - I don't see this lasting.

    Which ain't to say there might not be a great deal of hell to walk through between now and then.

    If'n it makes one fell better though, mother Europe's walk will likely be harder.

  7. Y'know, Ireland only has a population of 4 million. How many U.S. Gunnies are there?

    Free Country Project, ho!

    It would be kind of sad to dilute the accent that much, though.


    Anyway, yes, that article was depressing, if only because it echoes so much of what I've been thinking all along.

    I'm somewhat amused, though, that Ron Paul is the guy that's been advocating everything the guy that is writing the article is complaining we don't have anymore, yet he gets classified as "bizarre". *shrug*

    Between Ron Paul getting marginalized, and Fred Thompson not doing so well either, I think we're getting exactly what the "conservatives" want. At the very least, we're getting what they're asking for. Someone is out there voting for McCain, right?

  8. I refuse to accept that the US will soon go the way of Europe...the US is made of people, not presidents. I think the we as a whole are a lot more conservative than the MSM would have us think. It is up to us to elect people to keep this country American.
    If we are stuck with McCain, so be it...no president is a dictator. Elect the best Congresscritters you can. If you vote for Ron Paul or a write-in, that's your business, but that is almost as bad a voting for Hildebeest/Obama. Protest votes may make you feel better, but they don't change who gets elected.

  9. Uhhhmmmm Joseph,
    If enough people vote with "protest" votes then the person that they cast their "protest" vote in favor of CAN get elected.

    See that's the thign with a representative government. You HAVE to vote your conscience. you have to vote for the candidate who most closely represents you, or you have NO representation. If such a candidate does not exist then you ought to work to get someone out there who does, at least somewhat, represent you. McCain certainly does NOT even marginally represent me, nor do either of the extreme socialists playing for the blue team. The person workign for nomination who most closely represents me is Ron Paul. Even he doesn't truly represent me. Sadly, I doubt that someone who truly represented my ideals would make it. See, I don't like telling others how to live, what to do, what to think, etc... and I expect the same in return. Looking around, I seem to be in the minority on this planet. Though happily not on this blog.

    So, go ahead and tell yourself whatever lies you need to so you can vote for someone who does not represent you, someone who is helping to drive this country back into line with Europe. Just don't tell me that I have to vote for lucifer so that satan doesn't get into office.

  10. On a lighter note.

    A number of years ago I actually considered moving back to Ireland. While the climate is a wee bit damp and chilly, it is a gorgeous place with good booze and, contrary to popular belief, pretty good food. Ok, you have to look a little bit to find the good food, but it is there.

    However, Connolly's socialist legacy, and the whole firearms issue, has kept me from returning to my ancestral homeland. Though, the thought of doing it in conjunction with enough minarchist minded gunnies to alter those failed laws is tempting...

  11. "I don't think I buy it - too many folks are complaining about the current round of GOP nominees. It's not just the internet and talk radio, the grumbling's on the ground to."

    "I refuse to accept that the US will soon go the way of Europe...the US is made of people, not presidents. I think the we as a whole are a lot more conservative than the MSM would have us think."

    Positive thinking is nice, y'all, but you're forgetting something:

    SOMEBODY is voting for these people. More somebodies than there are on "our team" (the team that wants to be left alone, which is not really a team, just a bunch of cranky individualists with web connections who mistake their corner of the interweb for the popular consensus.)

    Look around you. To read the blogs we read, Fred Thompson would have edged Ron Paul in the primaries, picked Duncan Hunter for his running mate, and handed Clinton/Obama a stomping.

    To put it mildly, the blogs we read are about 180* out of sync with the majority of the voters in this country, and every election and primary since '06 just proves it more and more.

    Pass the Victory Gin, folks; America loves Big Brother.

  12. Excepting that at least on the GOP side, the nomination went something like that ol' sitcom episide where the goofy feller ran in the beauty contest - and won. (ah, the lessons from bad 80's sitcoms! :) )

    Anyhow - the lefty-GOP vote had one place to go - McCain. The more conservative GOP vote was split half a dozen different ways. Add to that the folks voting who just were thinking war hero + good ads = good guy, and he STILL was pulling pretty mediocre percentage ratings all things considered.

    The "anybody but McCain" block is significantly bigger than the "I like McCain" block - it's just divided as to who that 'anybody' should be. Should all those 'anybodys' manage to work something reasonable out amongst themselves ahead of the convention, I could still see him getting shoved back into the bleachers.

    If not, well.. worst case we get our generational reminder of what socialism really does to an economy, delivered right when the bill for the last 40 years of irresponsibility starts to come due. Long term, could work out to be perfect timing for an education.

    If the "New Deal" came out of (not to mention contributed to) the first Depression, maybe the next will provide the opening to build anew on burned foundation left after the next one.

    enh. What will be, will be. :)

  13. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, it's still a long way down to the bottom before we start the rebound. A LOOOOONG way...

  14. If all is truly lost, then shouldn't you be "voting from the rooftops" instead of whinging online? I have to disagree with the esteemed Claire Wolf about the awkward stage thing. If it's not time to shoot the bastards yet, then there's still time to fix the system from within.

  15. To put it mildly, the blogs we read are about 180* out of sync with the majority of the voters in this country, and every election and primary since '06 just proves it more and more.

    1806, you mean?

  16. cybrludite: Ask me again March 19th.


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