Friday, March 07, 2008

I'm so domestic...

I've spent the morning running a load through the dishwasher, washing dishes in the sink, and cleaning the kitchen. Of my own volition.

That sound you just heard was people fainting from Knoxville to Atlanta.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go fix some lunch and then go fold laundry...


  1. WOW, sounds like morning, although I already folded the laundry, cleaned both of the bathrooms, did the kitchen, bathroom, family room and bedroom floors. No lunch though, got to go to town and get a corral panel and go out and repair the corral.

  2. Who are you and what have you done with the real Tam?

  3. Nice thing about a dishwasher is you can put gun parts in there to clean.

    Oops, I gotta run the dryer.

  4. Not that I know you in any sort of capacity on a personal level, but I would pay good money to see that routine you described.

  5. Add in "change out the litterboxes" and it sounds like you have my plans for this evening ready to go. What exciting people we are.


  6. Nice to be in control of your life, re-establishing harmony in your environment. Or you could be trying to lower stress levels for strange purposes outlined in another blog. I hold out for harmony in my personal universe - that is why I fold the laundry and iron my shirts and put away the tools... proves I have control of somethings.

  7. to the tune of "brandy"

    "Taaammmmyyy, your're a fine girl!
    What a gooood wife you would be..."

    Now go clean mah shootin' arn, so's I can kill us some supper!


    Al Terego

  8. She was a quiet neighbour, kept to herself. Always doing the laundry...

  9. Jeez Tam, I don't even *fold* my clothes :)

  10. First she moves into a nice house and a nice neighbourhood.

    Then she starts acting all domestic and all.

    If a long discussion thread appears about the merits of the different shades of pink paint you are considering for your bedroom walls and the wonders of 1000 threadcount linen...

    People will start to talk.

  11. Were you wearing a pretty apron the whole time?

  12. I call for an intervention if she starts wearing pearls while vacuuming.

  13. Oh, that will happen....

    Tam's been shocked into domesticity by my own lack of aptitude for the homely arts. Either that or I have proven inspirational, which would shock me.

  14. Not only will a dishwasher clean gun parts, but it can do a nice job of degreasing and browning or cold rust blueing if you pick the right cycles.

  15. It's nice that I'm not the only one whose life is changing for the better every day. ;-)

  16. Well, all that stuff is fairly normal for most people.

    Now, when Tam starts tearing rooms apart and renovating them ala This Old House, then I might start to worry.

  17. I don't understand the worry if Tam should start tearing rooms apart and renovating them ala This Old House, it would be like "This Old Redoubt," or, "Better Tunnels and Caverns" - I don't see Martha Stewart anywhere in that picture.


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