Friday, March 07, 2008

More chicks with guns.

Atlanta's artsy, in-town Creative Loafing weekly has a piece up on GSU professor Nancy Floyd's new book, She's Got A Gun, including several excerpts:
I was curious – I wanted to know who these women were and what motivated them to pick up a gun. I wanted to know how they handled their difference at a mostly male shooting range, police precinct, or military base. Where did they get their training? What kinds of guns did they shoot? Even the clothing they wore and the types of carrying cases they chose interested me. Why were they entering, in many cases, troubled waters where "no women allowed" signs were posted in most people's minds?

Go see.


  1. That was an interesting article. Thanks for linking it.


  2. First picture. "For the last time, leave the seat down or the dog gets it."

  3. That picture is a bit odd. Click on it and see the full sized version. It appears she's holding one of those rubber-band shooting toys.


  4. The book is in our library catalog & I'm putting in a request!

  5. It's Creative Loafing, they have to be a bit odd. It's in their contract or something.

  6. Are you kidding me? Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick, "No women allowed?" She is smoking some fabulous chronic, for certain. I mean, who has ever been to anywhere shooting at all where men weren't falling all over themselves trying to get women to shoot?

  7. anon12:21,

    I think you should fire up a blunt and read this.

  8. Did anybody catch the narrated slide show? What a hoot!


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