Saturday, March 01, 2008

You know...

...I had all this blood-pressure raising political stuff to write about this morning, but after a plate full of Swedish pancakes drenched in butter and maple syrup and a big pile of peppered bacon on the side, I'm suddenly finding myself too at peace with the world to rant about that stuff.

Maybe later this afternoon or something...


  1. ......worked on the rest of the American Public. They are content being fat and happy...... Now you just need a Circus......

  2. Mmmmm. Butter. Mmmmm.

  3. Yup, a regular ol' "sheeple", that's me.

  4. Clearly, for The Greater Good Of The Collective, I'm gonna hafta stop doin' the Weekend Breakfast Indulgence....

    Or, like, not. Sorree, but I gotta have a good ol-fashioned food-wallow at least once a week, maybe twice. Eating well in this day of halfwitted health-happy horsedoodle sunrise offerings is an act of open rebellion. Y'all'll just grit yer teeth and get by.

    (PS: it's contagious, Tam was flippin' the Svenska hotcakes!)

  5. PPS: Can't we have crocus instead of Circus?

  6. Tam,
    Your priorities are straightening out. Swedish pancakes and peppered bacon are far more important than the silly political games getting played right now. And I love the idea of "bread and crocuses."

  7. Good on you Tam. Pick your battles and hold your fire. Ammo is precious. Know to try and find peppered bacon in California it's time for breakfast out here.

  8. Well, there must be some sweet and savoury to balance out all the sourness, eh? Enjoy yourself!

  9. See, I've got this theory. I reckon Muslim fundies are so rabidly unpleasant 'cause they can't have a good fry-up with a pile of bacon and sausages. Tried some "beef bacon" while I was in Egypt, and it was but a hollow sham. Get a sossidj-and-bacon sarnie down your nearest Fundie, and ten quid sez they'll stop it with the bug-eyed raging and say "Meh - s'awright, the world's not so bad".


  10. I made scratch pancakes this morning for my son and I, as I have done every Saturday morning for nearly twenty years. When he goes away to college it will be The End of An Era, breakfast-wise.

    Word verification: itbch

  11. "Word verification: itbch"



  12. Pancakes and maple syrup can have that effect.

    How many is a plate full?


  13. Aw, you can do the political stuff anytime.

    So, how are the cats doing?

  14. Yeah! Cat update, bitte!!


  15. Coffee and a single cigarette at 9am on the rear steps looking over at Bob's little blue house of guns every-damn-morning this month. I felt like Bear Bryant and you know that won't leave him happy, nor me.

    Politics are a tricky thing. If you control a string or five all you really want to do is run for office.

    I curiously wonder if Your Grace will endorse me for public office.


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