Thursday, April 24, 2008


If I want to buy more than 80 pounds of rice at Sam's Club, I'd need to drive to Idaho or New Mexico to do it.

Since A) I can't see what I'd do with 81 pounds of rice, and B) I wouldn't buy it from WalMart even if I did, I remain undisturbed.


  1. "Seventy mirrion tons of lice!!!"

    (Sorry, obscure movie reference. But how often is it apposite?)

  2. We don't grow rice on our farm in Idaho but if you want I can bring some lentils to the Second Amendment Blog Bash for you. Would 10 pounds be enough? Or would you like the full 81?

  3. Flour, too. The King Arthur 10-lb bag of flour I bought at BJ's last year was a little less than $5. Yesterday? $7.49, and there wasn't all that much of it in the store.

  4. "I can't see what I'd do with 81 pounds of rice"

    Shooting rest?

  5. Walmart is Sam's Club. If you support one, you support the other!

  6. I just really wish they'd said WHY the restriction doesn't apply in New Mexico or Idaho, because from where I'm sitting, it makes no sense. Rice is in a very distant third behind corn and beans for preferred bulk food items, here...

  7. Isn't all this about the falling dollar, rather than the rising 'cost' of anything? Even so, indulging myself in a grain panic isn't anything I'm interested in.

  8. Ramen noodle futures are looking very good for all you traders out there.

  9. I heard rice was going up so I bought a 20lbr of Nishiki for SWMBO at the Commissary before I left today. The Mormon ladies buying LOTS of flour were right about the flour prices @ a month ago, so...

    Staghounds, the movie you're referring to is the original Casino Royale from 1967, yes?


  10. The limit is because, allegedly, Chinese restaurants in the U.S. are putting a run on rice, storing massive amounts in anticipation of a big price spike. From what I gather, a crop failure is causing a rice panic in Asia.

    Still, with the humid summer coming on, I can't imagine all of that kept rice not absorbing the moisture and rotting in the bag. You know they're not storing it with desiccant in climate controlled warehouses. It'll be in the restaurant owner's garage, while the Benz gets parked curbside. Dunno if I'll be eating Chinese anymore past June ...

  11. Saw a blurb on the whole Wal Mart/Sam's Club rice rationing deal on NBC News last night. For some reason, and I don't know why, all that came to mind at that moment was:

    'Food riot in progress. Approximately 1500 civilians. No weapons evident.'

    'Proceed with Plan Alpha. Eliminate anything moving.'

    As for the whole firearms tracking courtesy of Wal Mart, I've been running my own informal tally on weapons traces at the shop. From my own unscientific experiment, I've concluded there is a 60% chance that anytime ATF runs a trace through us, the weapon in question is a fine Hi Point product.

  12. j. david boyd,

    "Walmart is Sam's Club. If you support one, you support the other!"

    That's what I said.

    Please do try to keep up.

  13. I picked up four bags of Thai jasmine Rice for my Chinese/Vietnamese friends :)


    "Isn't all this about the falling dollar, rather than the rising 'cost' of anything? Even so, indulging myself in a grain panic isn't anything I'm interested in."

    There's both the falling dollar problem and a shortage problem caused by a combination of drought in Australia and conversion of grain farms to corn (instead of other grains)to ethanol (for gasoline not drinking)instead of food.

  14. Well I did do home brewing once, but NEVER needed 80 pounds of rice. I DO know every feed store in a five state area where you could get malted barley. You can brew 200 gallons of beer or make the same amount of wine, or mix and match.


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