Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Imagine that.

Obama's "Insult the Voters" tactic backfired massively, as bitter cousin-marriers turned out for Hill-Rod, who is trying on her War Face in a manner to please Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.

So, what's the official term for Barry's blunder? Pennsaquiddick? Bittergate? What are we going with here?

And how about the WWE commercial? I mean, I guess you have to court the mouth-breathing couch potato vote to win an election for dogcatcher these days, but has this clown show not been farcical enough already? It's getting to the point where, ideology aside, I'd be embarrassed to vote for any of these cretins.


  1. "So, what's the official term for Barry's blunder? Pennsaquiddick? Bittergate? What are we going with here?"

    Never have been much one for hanging mediaesque names on things, so I'll just go with "when his vice presidency campaign took off in earnest".

  2. I heard someone use crackerquiddick.


  3. Oh, and at least wrasslin' is less staged than politics.

    Sad, ain't it?

  4. "I'm not convinced. Practice"

  5. This was picking the muddier of two pigs. Crooked Hilary just came from rubbing against the feed bunk.

  6. " ... but has this clown show not been farcical enough already?"


    They can still go lower.

  7. "They can still go lower."

    Let's see: Obama hits Indiana in a KKK outfit. I give it, oh... 3-1 odds.

  8. Crackergate is pretty good, but I like Bittergate as well. Sounds kind of biblical.

  9. Crackerquiddick is the term going around Hot Air.

    I think it's clumsy and historically inapt.

    I also think it's really, really fun to say, which is why I've been using it anyway.

  10. Another victim of senseless gun violence as Obie senselessly attacks gun owners and shoots himself in the foot.
    Oh the humanity!

  11. labrat: Historically inapt because it was himself he drowned instead of someone else?

  12. Being smack in the heart of redneckerville, PA. I get to hear lots of fun and interesting theories. Republicans were switching to Democrat in such droves around here that the voter registration offices were overloaded... badly.

    The two theories that recur the most on the local grapevine:

    a) People are switching so they can vote for Dawitch, because they can't stand the thought of a black president. Then they will switch back and vote McCain because they can't stand the thought of a woman president.

    b) People are switching to vote for Dawitch, solely in the hopes the two lawyers make it to the final round in a dead heat. Then we can all watch the Democrat part gut itself publicly at the convention, and maybe even have an old fashioned democratic convention riot.

    At least.... thats what the word is over the fence here in redneckerville, Pennsylvania.
    Just saying.........

    Me.... I'm watching with glee and trepidation. Glepidation? Trepiglee?

  13. who is trying on her War Face

    Slick Willie's default military response was to flip some cruise missiles at fields and barns when the lower castes acted up, so Hillary's just upping the ante by declaring that her cruise missiles are bigger than his and she ain't afraid to use 'em.

  14. "I told you what would happen if you used it in class, young man. Now give me that play station."

    I never thought to hear someone who might actually be able to do it discuss the incineration of millions of human beings with such an air of insouciant, admonitory self satisfaction.

    Absolutely beyond horrifying.

  15. I'm more interested in wafflegate. (I love waffles and don't eat them often enough.)

    Barry "don't say my middle name" Obama has apparently decided he doesn't like to talk to reporters who actually ask him questions.

  16. We're selecting the next prez of the US of A...I think I should log off and go study Mandarin now.

  17. I'm still looking forward to the steelcage deathmatch at the Dem convention. I picturing the two candidates blindfolded and using sledgehammers.

    Of course the first few rows of spectators will have to wear raincoats or hold up sheets of plastic like at a Gallagher concert.

  18. Inapt first because no other party was involved, and second because Teddy walking off more or less without a legal scratch arguably WAS an example of how being rich and privileged in the right time and place will render you bulletproof...

    Like to see any bitter Pennsylvania redneck try THAT.


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