Monday, April 07, 2008

My buddy, my choice.

So there's apparently a thread up at Democratic Underground talking smack about Oleg Volk, calling him a fascist (*snicker!*) and stuff like that. Someone with a hypertrophied pomposity gland and bulging social indignation muscles bloviated that "[t]he Holocaust [posters] are particularly offensive." As though having had kinfolk exit concentration camps via the chimney left Mr. Volk unqualified to comment on that particular sunny moment in human history.

Where to find better anti-Oleg PSH than on Democratic Underground? LabRat, as part of her ongoing campaign to cause me a cerebral aneurysm, had the answer to that, of course: A good radfem site (if I may be excused the obvious oxymoron.) Thanks to their eschewing patriarchal anti-collectivist artifacts like the author's name and the original publication date, I have no idea at exactly whom I'm laughing over there, but for anyone familiar with guns and Oleg's work on the 'net it's pretty chucklesome. For those who know Oleg in real life, however, there's one real howler in this rich vein of comedy gold:
But in total, after reading all of it, we concluded the guy was a complete wacko, a bully...
Wow. Just... wow. If someone handed me an entire Roget's thesaurus and asked me to select words describing my friend Oleg, "bully" would probably be the absolute last one I picked. I'm not sure I know a more placid, conflict-avoiding, solicitous human being than Oleg Volk. How does our author think Mr. Volk got all those models to pose for his posters? By being a repressive tool of the patriarchy? Oh, puh-leez.


Anonymous said...

"As though having had kinfolk exit concentration camps via the chimney left Mr. Volk unqualified to comment on that particular sunny moment in human history."

Yeah, there's a lot of that going around. Had a black guy get all indignant over slavery, saying I couldn't imagine what it's like to have the government support such a thing. I pointed out that I had blood kin die during Indian Wars and the Trail of Tears, but apparently that wasn't good enough to justify my "it could have been worse" comment that started it.

On the plus side, it's clear Mr. Volk is doing something right if these people are bleating. Not that anyone with a functioning eye and a topped-off logic bucket needed me to say that...

Anonymous said...

From their site:
"Frankly the best tool against a rapist is laughter."

Now my head just hurts. . .

Jeff the Baptist said...

My only problem with Oleg is that some of his content is a bit to racy for workplace viewing.

Not that I've met him personally, but I think he's left a few comments on my blog as a thanks for linking to him a time or two.

Anonymous said...

Those guys have mental problems. They are living in an alternate reality which most people don't have access to. They should be pitied and offered help.

Someone should offer to create a fund to subsidize their lengthy stay in a mental hospital.

Anonymous said...

Seems like they left off half that sentence. It should be: "Frankly the best tool against a rapist is laughter, and a .45.

Ok, ok you can substitute gun for .45.

Anonymous said...

"Frankly the best tool against a rapist is laughter."

John Fogh has a different opinion on that:

Nothing says, "Please don't rape me." like multiple jacketed hollowpoints.

John Fogh
Insights Self Defense Instructor
February 23, 1999
Microsoft Gun Club Email Folder

perlhaqr said...

Damnit, now my eyes are bleeding again.

Oi. Where do they find these people, and why do they keep importing them to Earth?

cma said...

It seems that whenever an insulting term is used by a rabid leftist (racist, bully, fascist, etc.) it always means the same thing. It always means, "You've said something I disagree with, but I have no rational argument, so I'll just call you something that allows me to dismiss your opinion."

Anonymous said...

Besides being a patriot, Oleg ROCKS. They are really missing out when they don't look carefully at the man and his work.

BobG said...

Have you ever noticed that the further people go to the left, the deeper they dive into absurdity?

Anonymous said...

It's not so much a deliberate attempt to make you blow a blood vessel as it has been picking at the topic while trying to shake a stubborn idea loose.

However, watching the metaphorical head-splodey HAS been a really entertaining side bonus.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if this "feminist" clown posse did oleg the courtesy of asking permission to use his work, and/or offer to pay for that use.

Don said...

From their site:
"Frankly the best tool against a rapist is laughter."

That calls for a double-blind test. They can be the laughing group. Now we just need a shooting group.

Anonymous said...

I wish these "feminists" looked at our right to choose whether or not to arm ourselves as sacred and involitale as their right to choose an abortion.

Cybrludite said...

"Frankly the best tool against a rapist is laughter."

Well... while it's true you can't have manslaughter without laughter, it's also true that if you're stopping a rapist, it's self-defense & not manslaughter. I'm with Perlhaqr: What planet are these sapients (note that I didn't say "sophonts")from, and how do we ship them back? Illegal aliens, indeed!

(Oh teh noes! Iz in yer commentz, dehumanizing the silly peplez...)

Anonymous said...

If Oleg were a bully, wouldn't one of those heavily armed people he seems to be around a lot have popped a cap in him by now already?

Caleb said...

That whole bit from the radfem site was short on facts and long on rhetoric - not that I'm surprised or anything.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that pisses off a hippie is my kinda guy/gal!

Hunsdon said...

Now, Tamara--they did at least manage to group government employees in the right category.

"Such weapons are banned because they are designed specifically for assassins, snipers and government agents."

Johnny said...

They're feeling the effects of cognitive dissonance - Oleg's work is genius but it will only work for people with open minds. Yes, it's exactly that they're going so ballistic with ad hominens on Oleg that proves he's so right and they're so wrong.

Chuck Pergiel said...

So I'm reading about the Annie Larsen affair and I come to a reference to Johnson Island. So naturally I have to look that up, and amongst other things I find that Cheryl Velk designed the flag for the place. Whoa, didn't I just read about somebody named Velk in Tamara's blog? Oops, no it was Volk. Never mind.

George Groot said...

They call it art when a crucifix is placed in a jar of urine.

If it has to be controversial to be art then I guess Oleg's body of work is truly art.

I wonder if he'll do autographed prints?