Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sigh. I'm going to feel awful doing this...

It's time to drag out the ol' acoustic lawnmower (it's not a power mower, it's a folk mower) and finish what I started...

Early in the week I mowed the bit between the sidewalk and the street, as well as the back yard and a little token strip down each side of the front. I couldn't bear to mow the actual front yard because it was full of pretty purple and white flowers. It needs to get done today, though, because the grass is getting a little shaggy and unkempt looking amongst the flowers. Necessity isn't enough to keep me from feeling a little sad at having to chop all the pretty flowers down, though. :(


  1. Look at it this way....

    They are probably French Communist flowers....

    Does that make it any easier?

  2. do they have little heart shaped leaves? They could be wild violets - we have a bunch of them coming up in our yard.

  3. Hot flaming death to wild violets, despoilers of a beautiful lawn.

    Gotta get me some Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX. Killed most of them last year with it; will kill the rest this year with more of it.

    Bwah ha ha ha ha.

  4. after you mow float some in a little bowl with an aspirin in it. They last a remarkably long time.

  5. We have those, too, and they are beautiful, but there's grass lurking among them and eventually it gets taller than they are anyway.

    My neighbors mowed for the first time a few days ago, and their violets and bluebells are blooming again, so I have hope.

    I gotta mow today, too.

  6. perhaps it will make you feel better if I point out thost lovely flowers may be contributing to your allergy problems.

  7. Sometimes being green is very difficult, but everything gets recycled and comes back even better in the future where Humans are extinct... can't happen - we are so irreplacible.


  8. I no longer understand this mow that you speak of.

    Though tomorrow I must go remove weeds from the rocks and cacti in my front yard.


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