Friday, April 25, 2008

Boy, talk about politics too much...

...even Indiana Nazis, and you wind up with the most boring stream of context-sensitive ads. So, uh...

SEX. Sex, sex, sex. Sexity-sex-sex. Sexy!

Let's see if that helps. (Although what ads might pop up from a search that turns up five or six references to sex and a dozen each to Hillary and Obama is anybody's guess, and kinda creepy if you think about it too much...)


  1. Currently it's "Barack Obama Exposed"

    Which so doesn't move me to click on it.

  2. I didn't even know you had ads; my browser keeps them all away.

  3. I don't see ads, either. Did my Firefox eat them? I'm feeling a little cheated here... which might be the first time I've felt cheated from not seeing ads.

  4. At the moment you have Hillary Campaign Website--again!

    I use feed demon and have to click on the header to open the full web page view, or I don't see adds, either.

    Adn Hillary Campaign Ads are part of why I haven't turned ads on on my blog.

  5. "Why I'm suing the PM"


  6. Try posting more pictures. Might not help the ads but will please the beejus out of us.

  7. I'm finding that my constant use of the word "cocking" and "cock" on my airgun blog is not the best thing for relevant ads...

  8. Casino. Gambling. Poker. Blackjack. Faro.

    WaReZ. Torrent. Microsoft Office.

    Viagra. Percocet. Valium. Oxycontin. Free Pills for you.

    Britney Spears.

    (There that might have some effect when someone views the comments.)

  9. I can feel an XKCD-like comic strip coming on. I may start a webcomic because of this single post. Something along the lines of blogs purpose-built around phrases like "Gaussgun Virgin" and "Petawatt Vibrator"

    Tamara, you've done a bad, bad thing. Be proud.

  10. What makes it REALLY disgusting is that your previous post starts:

    "Boy, by Friday it gets hard to choke this stuff down."

    Throw in the words sex, Obama, and Clinton and you have a real mess.

  11. Oh, wait, if read that guy Zirkle's page, a phrase pops up, "Derrenger's for Dildos". And he refers to them as "divorce aids" issued by "divorce aid doctors". (Before the "Nazi doctors" came around and put an end to that.)

    And then there's a reference to the "great porn dragon".

    The guy is a friggin' loon.

  12. There's a lovely town called Dildo in Newfoundland.

    There's even a song about it by the Arrogant Worms " A Night on Dildo"

    And you think I'm kidding.

    Imagine having that on your passport.

    Newfoundland has a town called "Come by Chance" too, which by the canadian standards of "Medicine Hat" and such, almost seems normal and respectable.

  13. I don't really get it. Having Indiana and Nazis on your page should result in a stream of Indiana Jones merch ads.

  14. If you've been listening to Indy's own Bob & Tom for any length of time,you know that Dildo, Newfoundland does exist. As they've said often enough, "you can take the girl out of..." Uhh, um, well, uh, how about those Cubs?


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