Friday, May 23, 2008

I was just thinking about this yesterday...

...and bracing myself for the coming national malaise.

(H/T to Another Gun Blog.)


  1. And there's no Ronald Reagan in the wings to pick up the pieces...

  2. There's one important difference.

    Sen. Obama won't be all downer and preachy like Carter was. His pitch will be all chipper, hope 'n' change, strength through joy. He'll sell the new and improved, extra shiny malaise to the now 30 years stupider voters.

    Again, it's been done before. Probably least remembered but most successfully by President Wilsin, who in 1916 ran on a positive, upbeat "He Kept Us Out Of War"theme.

    29 days later, he asked for a declaration of war against Germany.

  3. It's this kind of thing that makes me think no one under 35 or 40 should be allowed to vote. You just don't have the experience and historical context before then.

  4. Hope and change: Here's hoping I won't be cornholed while bending over to pick up a little change I might accidentally drop.

    When I was waiting for a train this morning, a white-haired Obama supporter said he had never seen the country in worse shape. "It can't get much worse, so I'm voting for Obama!"

    We'll all eat less pie, not just the greedy few. Slice of pie, chicken in the pot, pitting "the rich" against "those who don't want much": nothing has changed. We're still shelling out everytime we buy, sell, earn, or save.

  5. Obama not be all downer and preachy?? He already is if you actually listen - and so is the wifey-poo he's got on him.


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