Friday, May 23, 2008


The next time somebody makes incoherent mouth noises at me about "closing the gun show loophole", I'm going to ask if that will work as well as requiring a doctor's prescription to buy narcotics has. I mean, lord knows there are no more illicit face-to-face undocumented transactions of narcotics between criminals anymore...

(And incidentally, if you are in favor of permission slips for the latter to prevent irresponsible people from misusing them, then why aren't you in favor of the former?)


  1. How about the "internet loophole"? The last firearm I bought was through the 'net...The High Road. A very nice gentleman had a Ruger that he could part with, and I had a little extra cash. We live in the same state, close enough that we found a convenient place to meet. I have a current/valid CCW permit, which in this state is also a permit-to-purchase-handgun.

    Face to face, completely legal. And yet, I felt vaguely criminal in having to keep things low, as though we WERE dealing something nasty.

    Unless/until the dot-gov gets to the point where every single forum is monitored, along with every single e-mail (our initial contact) and every single phone call (how we set up to meet), they'll never stop off-the-books trades and sales of privately-owned firearms. The difference is that the vast majority of these deals are legal, but the vast majority of drug deals almost certainly aren't. Stopping the latter has proven to be almost as simple as enforcing the first Prohibition.

  2. The drug war has done in the Bill of Rights....and still folks who describe themselves as "conservatives" support it. Pretty crazy...and tragic.

    We destroyed Mexico.

  3. I usually ask them if they can define what a gun show loophole is. Then if they can't it depends on my mood. I'll either explain the absurdness of it in excruciating detail or just tell them to STFU about legislating something they can't even define.


  4. 1. I'm still laughing about Knoxville. Every time I pass a gun show line, I say "So, how about that Gun Show Loophole?"

    2. All that will have to be done is to outlaw non dealer sales will do it.

    Gun owners are law abiding, dope fiends are not.

  5. Staghounds: You're engaged in circular logic.

  6. "And incidentally, if you are in favor of permission slips for the latter to prevent irresponsible people from misusing them, then why aren't you in favor of the former?"

    Because we live in a welfare state. Welfare states and unfettered access to soul-destroying substances don't mix.


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